Well I got one step closer...
the following JSP code returns the domains at text or XML. But I still do not know how to parse the results and display them as I like...
<%@ page import="java.io.File"%>
<%@ page import="ibi.webfoc.*"%>
String cgiLocation = application.getInitParameter("webfocus_client_root")+File.separator+"web"+File.separator+"cgi";
//Create a request and response object
WFApplicationRequest workerReq = new WFApplicationRequest();
WFResponse workerResp = new WFServletResponse( response );
//Instantiate the WFServletVariableTableExtension to add name/value pairs to the request
WFServletVariableTableExtension wfSVTExtension = new WFServletVariableTableExtension( request, application );
//Sign-on to Managed Reporting
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_action", "MR_SIGNON" );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_user", "username" );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_pass", "password" );
// workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_returntype", "XML" );
WFWorkerUtil.processRequest( cgiLocation, workerReq, workerResp, wfSVTExtension, null ,null, null );
//Reinitialize the request with the previous response cookies and obtain all MR Domains
workerReq.Initialize( workerResp.getCookies() );
workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_action", "MR_GET_USER_DOMAINS" );
//workerReq.addParameter( "IBIMR_returntype", "XML" );
WFWorkerUtil.processRequest( cgiLocation, workerReq, workerResp, wfSVTExtension, null ,null, null );