Focal Point
WebFOCUS GIS Adapter - General Information, Tips & Techniques, Sneak Peeks

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February 08, 2006, 10:12 AM
<Bob Hazelton>
WebFOCUS GIS Adapter - General Information, Tips & Techniques, Sneak Peeks
Hello to all the spatially enabled WebFOCUS developers out there!
As the product manager for GIS integration I place a high value on your experiences and opinions of working with the GIS Adapter. I would like to use this topic for our discussion about what is good about the adapter, what needs work, what frustrates you, etc.

Feel free to post new feature descriptions here as well. I have lots of ideas but the best ones are the the ones that will help you the most.

As releases are about to come out you may see descriptions of the new GIS capabilities here first so keep checking back.

Thanks for your input!

February 17, 2006, 10:52 AM
<Bob Hazelton>
I have had this question come up a few times recently. "How do I install the WebFOCUS GIS Adapter?"

The good news is that there is nothing special to do to install the adapter. When WebFOCUS is installed the components are there and ready for any licensed site to begin using it.

Create a map service in ArcIMS and then use the WebFOCUS GIS Definition Editor page to begin creating the soft coupling links between the FEX’s and the map layers.
February 17, 2006, 12:02 PM
<Bob Hazelton>
Another frequent question has been, "Where do I get map layers?"

There is a Data & Maps media kit that is in the ArcIMS box. which consists of.
Some example layers are:
Countries 2002
World Wildlife Fund Ecoregions
Europe basemap
Canada Provinces
Mexico States
US States
US Highways

All totaled, a combination of 8 CD’s and DVD’s worth of mapping bliss.
March 13, 2006, 01:41 PM
Rohit Nayak
Hello Bob,
I have been working with the GIS data adapter in our Dev environment (WF711).
Following are some of the issues that I am facing :
1) When i try to access EsriInfoEditor or the esri_index page, I get a http 500 error. Dave Mc Dermott from your GIS team came with the solution that I needed to first use the wfsignon page with the admin credentials for the report server. This has solved the problem for now; however I need go thru this process each time I open a new browser.

2) Map viewer will not show up if I flush tables and reload it.

3) The documentation for setting up the adapter is very specific to the CRIMEW application. It would help if the reader were given a better idea of what he needs to accomplish on his end i.e. pre-requisites before reporting with the adapter against real-world data.

March 13, 2006, 01:57 PM
<Bob Hazelton>
Thank you for your entry.

1) This is the same as any self-service application that is running against a secure WebFOCUS server. The WebFOCUS session cookie needs to be created before accessing the server. We are thinking of adding a prompt page that would appear when security is on.

2) I'm not sure what is going on with this. I've not heard of or experienced this kind of behavior.

3) The CRIMEW map service represents the 3 types of layers, point, line and polygon. I have a set of slides titled "The 10 Steps to GBIS Success". I will see if there is a way to attach them to an entry here.
March 13, 2006, 04:21 PM
Rohit Nayak
Thanks Bob,
I appreciate your quick response to my posting - and look forward to more interaction with you as I proceed further with my reporting trials!
Any guidance/ material on GBIS will be very helpful.In case you are not able to post it on the forum, could you please send me a copy of at my email address :
April 02, 2006, 11:10 PM
Hi Bob,
Where can I find the docs to create concentric buffer circles from the report to map? I must have seen them in a demo (B&E Car care..)
Please post us some examples.


Sandbox: 8206.10
Dev: 8201M
April 03, 2006, 03:31 AM
<Bob Hazelton>
Thanks for the inquiry. The example you are looking for is produced by using a combination of WebFOCUS and ArcWeb Services from ESRI.

The Flash-based site which features this powerful combination is accessible at

The Third-Party Demos page is hosted by ESRI at

The ArcWeb Services WebFOCUS demo set up page
will get you started on configuring the connections, downloading the metadata and viewing the sample code.
The procedure that produces the map image is named AWS_BESTMAP.fex

You will need to sign up for a free trial version of ArcWeb Services which provides 5,000 credits or 30 days for using the various functions they provide such as map images, routing, data and much more.