We are in the final process of moving from DB2v7 to DB2v8. Since we are running FOCUS R7.3.6 in production, per instructions on the IBI site, I needed to obtain newer copies of the AUTODB2 files from R7.3.7 or higher. (MFDs generated against DB2v8 produced a USAGE=DTTM which yeilds errors with CHECK or TABLE.)
I copied AUTODB2, AUTODB27, AUTODB28, DB2SYSM8 and DB2CATM8 from the FOCSQL.DATA for R7.3.9 that we have in testing to the appropriate FOCEXEC and MASTER datasets per TM8027. This is where the fun begins.
AUTODB2 is supposed to query the DB2 subsystem and execute AUTODB27 for DB2v7 or AUTODB28 for DB2v8. What I found was a hard coded -SET at line 86 of the AUTODB2 procedure that forced the execution of AUTODB27 regardless of DB2 version. In addition to this we had a hard time finding the problem because SETting ECHO to ALL did not echo most of the variable substitutions. We had to intersperse -TYPE to see variable substitution. This I have never experienced with FOCUS.
Finally, in playing around with AUTODB2, we got the FOCEXEC to branch properly for DB2 versions but before so, noticed that it did not seem to matter that we ran the version 7 FOCECXEC against DB2v8. The same MFD was produced.
Has anyone had experience with AUTODB2 or noticed that ECHO does not show all variable substitution ?
WF 7.6.11 PDF deployment, z/OS, WAS, Excel, PDF, HTML. FOCUS 7.6.11, same outputs.