Focal Point
EXCEL report - too wide - trouble

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January 13, 2005, 06:04 PM
EXCEL report - too wide - trouble
Hello. I'm having trouble using "FOLD-LINE" with EXL2K, and OVER is not giving the right results. I'm trying to get my output to look like the following:

Dept Bldg Room            Expenses
xxxx xxxx xxxx   Hours:  xxxxxxxx
                      Dollars: xxxxxxxx

Any help would be appreciated.
January 13, 2005, 06:34 PM
We run a formatting macro after the file is created on the Focus server. If the Focus server is a trusted site and your running IE then it is possible to open the file locally, attach a macro and then run the macro. This then gives you all the possiblities of Excel VBA coding but it is hard to setup. Let me know if this is an option you would like to look at.


Jayem Nolan
January 13, 2005, 06:45 PM
Thank you for the reply, nolanja. Unfortunately, we cannot do any processing on the resulting excel files.
January 13, 2005, 08:26 PM
Okay, using OVER keyword works except, I cannot precisely position my heading (I'm trying to use the heading to display cell titles essentially). In HTML, I have precise positioning control over my heading, but how can I do this in EXCEL? Thanks.
PS: In detail, my heading is similar to:

"<0 Dept <10 Bldg <30 Room <50Expenses"
but this squishes it into 1 cell...
January 13, 2005, 08:55 PM
Positioning of headings in excel for the cells uses what you have for the AS 'xxx' if you don't want the field name used. I cannot say as there is any way to position heading fields to use as cell column titles. You end up with ugly ugly to my experience. Mostly in the 4.3.6 world. We're still playing with the 5.xx as time allows.
January 13, 2005, 09:05 PM
Leah, unfortunately, using:
AS 'blah'

doesn't work because I'm using the OVER keyword, which makes all column titles appear on the left of the field (not on top of the column)