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DBA restrictions or OLAP but not both?
Gold member
Working on a master file that will provide access to Oracle data for Ad Hoc reporting using a Reporting Object, I find that when I specify DBAFILE restrictions, OLAP enabled reporting no longer works in MRE. When I create an OLAP-enabled report and run it, the OLAP panel does not display the hierarchy as long as the DBA restrictions are on the Master File. If I take them off, the hierarchy displays in the OLAP panel. I want to have both: DBAFILE and OLAP reporting. Can this be done on an Oracle data source? (5.3.2)

Master file:
FILE=billed_detail_reporting_dev, SUFFIX=SQLORA
SEGNAME=Billed_Detail_Fact, SEGTYPE=S0, $
FIELD=Revenue_Amount, ALIAS=REV_AMT, USAGE=D20.2MBC, ACTUAL=D8, MISSING=ON, TITLE='Revenue Amount', DESCRIPTION='Numeric dollar value for the transaction.', HELPMESSAGE='Numeric dollar value for the transaction.', $
FIELD=Unit_Count, ALIAS=UNIT_COUNT, USAGE=D20.2BC, ACTUAL=D8, MISSING=ON, TITLE='Unit Count', DESCRIPTION='Unit quantity.', HELPMESSAGE='Unit quantity. Use Dominant Unit Indicator = Y for Product Family and above.', $
SEGNAME=Product, SEGTYPE=U, PARENT=Billed_Detail_Fact, $
FIELD=Product_Line_Description, ALIAS=PRODUCT_LINE_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A60, ACTUAL=A60, WITHIN='*Product', TITLE='Product Line Description', DESCRIPTION='A grouping of Product Groups.', HELPMESSAGE='A grouping of Product Groups and the highest level of the product hierarchy.', $
FIELD=Product_Group_Description, ALIAS=PRODUCT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A60, ACTUAL=A60, WITHIN=Product.Product_Line_Description, TITLE='Product Group Description', DESCRIPTION='A grouping of Product Tiers.', HELPMESSAGE='A grouping of Product Tiers.', $
FIELD=Product_Tier_Description, ALIAS=PRODUCT_TIER_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A60, ACTUAL=A60, WITHIN=Product.Product_Group_Description, TITLE='Product Tier Description', DESCRIPTION='A grouping of Product Families', HELPMESSAGE='A grouping of Product Families. Used for budgeting and Current Estimates.', $
FIELD=Product_Family_Code, ALIAS=PRODUCT_FAMILY_CODE, USAGE=A20, ACTUAL=A20, WITHIN=Product.Product_Tier_Description, TITLE='Product Family Code', DESCRIPTION='Code for family-level Product Code summary.', HELPMESSAGE='The code for family-level grouping of Product Codes.', $
FIELD=Product_Family_Description, ALIAS=PRODUCT_FAMILY_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A60, ACTUAL=A60, TITLE='Product Family Description', DESCRIPTION='Description for Product Family Code.', HELPMESSAGE='Description for family-level grouping of Product Codes.', $
FIELD=Product_Code, ALIAS=PRODUCT_CODE, USAGE=A5, ACTUAL=A5, WITHIN=Product_Family_Code, TITLE='Product Code', DESCRIPTION='Code for product or service offerings.', HELPMESSAGE='Code for product or service offerings. 5 digit standardized CRTS Product Code.', $
FIELD=Product_Description, ALIAS=PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A60, ACTUAL=A60, TITLE='Product Code Description', DESCRIPTION='Text description for a Product Code.', HELPMESSAGE='Text description for a Qwest product or service offering by Product Code.', $
FIELD=Prod_Change_Reason_Code, ALIAS=CHANGE_REASON_CODE, USAGE=A2, ACTUAL=A2, MISSING=ON, TITLE='Change Reason Code', DESCRIPTION='Code for change reason Segment or Product.', HELPMESSAGE='Code designating the reason for changes in Customer Segments or Product Tiers.', $
FIELD=Prod_Load_Date, ALIAS=FINEDW_EFFECTIVE_DATE, USAGE=YYMD, ACTUAL=DATE, TITLE='Load Date', DESCRIPTION='Date a record was created in FinEDW.', HELPMESSAGE='Date a record was created in FinEDW. Format: D/M/YYYY HH:MM:SS', $
FIELD=Prod_Changed_By, ALIAS=CHANGED_BY, USAGE=A8, ACTUAL=A8, TITLE='Changed By', DESCRIPTION='What entity added or changed the record.', HELPMESSAGE='System generated field to indicate what entity changed or added the record.', $
FIELD=Prod_Current_Record_Indicator, ALIAS=CURRENT_RECORD_INDICATOR, USAGE=A1, ACTUAL=A1, MISSING=ON, TITLE='Current Record Indicator', $
SEGNAME=Segment, SEGTYPE=U, PARENT=Billed_Detail_Fact, $
FIELD=Total_Company_Code, ALIAS=TOTAL_NODE_IDENTIFIER, USAGE=A30, ACTUAL=A30, TITLE='Total Company Code', DESCRIPTION='Code for highest level of segment.', HELPMESSAGE='Code for highest level of segment hierarchy.', $
FIELD=Total_Company_Description, ALIAS=TOTAL_NODE_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A50, ACTUAL=A50, MISSING=ON, WITHIN='*Segment', TITLE='Total Company Description', DESCRIPTION='Highest level of segment hierarchy.', HELPMESSAGE='Highest level of segment hierarchy. Broad internal organization of business.', $
FIELD=BU_EVP_Code, ALIAS=BU_EXEC_VP_NODE_IDENTIFIER, USAGE=A30, ACTUAL=A30, TITLE='BU EVP Code', DESCRIPTION='Code for Business Unit Executive VP level.', HELPMESSAGE='Code for Business Unit Executive Vice President level of segment hierarchy.', $
FIELD=BU_EVP_Description, ALIAS=BU_EXEC_VP_NODE_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A50, ACTUAL=A50, MISSING=ON, WITHIN=Segment.Total_Company_Description, TITLE='BU EVP Description', DESCRIPTION='Business Unit Executive VP level.', HELPMESSAGE='Business Unit Executive Vice President level of the segment hierarchy.', $
FIELD=EVP_Minus_1_Code, ALIAS=EXEC_VP_1_NODE_IDENTIFIER, USAGE=A30, ACTUAL=A30, TITLE='EVP Minus 1 Code', DESCRIPTION='Code for one level below Executive VP.', HELPMESSAGE='Code for one level below Executive Vice President in the segment hierarchy.', $
FIELD=EVP_Minus_1_Description, ALIAS=EXEC_VP_1_NODE_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A50, ACTUAL=A50, MISSING=ON, WITHIN=Segment.BU_EVP_Description, TITLE='EVP Minus 1 Description', DESCRIPTION='One level below Executive Vice Predident.', HELPMESSAGE='One level below the Executive Vice President in the segment hierarchy.', $
FIELD=EVP_Minus_2_Code, ALIAS=EXEC_VP_2_NODE_IDENTIFIER, USAGE=A30, ACTUAL=A30, TITLE='EVP Minus 2 Code', DESCRIPTION='Code for two levels below Executive VP.', HELPMESSAGE='Code for two levels below Executive Vice President in the segment hierarchy.', $
FIELD=EVP_Minus_2_Description, ALIAS=EXEC_VP_2_NODE_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A50, ACTUAL=A50, MISSING=ON, WITHIN=Segment.EVP_Minus_1_Description, TITLE='EVP Minus 2 Description', DESCRIPTION='Two levels below Executive Vice President.', HELPMESSAGE='Two levels below the Executive Vice President in the segment hierarchy.', $
FIELD=Level1_Code, ALIAS=LEVEL_1_NODE_IDENTIFIER, USAGE=A30, ACTUAL=A30, TITLE='Level1 Code', DESCRIPTION='Code for 1 level above Segment Code.', HELPMESSAGE='Code for segment hierarchy summary one level above Segment Code.', $
FIELD=Level1_Description, ALIAS=LEVEL_1_NODE_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A50, ACTUAL=A50, MISSING=ON, WITHIN=EVP_Minus_2_Description, TITLE='Level1 Description', DESCRIPTION='One summary level above Segment Code.', HELPMESSAGE='Segment hierarchy summary one level above Segment Code.', $
FIELD=Customer_Segment_Code, ALIAS=CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_CODE, USAGE=A4, ACTUAL=A4, TITLE='Customer Segment Code', DESCRIPTION='Code that identifies what business unit.', HELPMESSAGE='Code that identifies what business unit brought in the revenue.', $
FIELD=Customer_Segment_Code_Description, ALIAS=CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION, USAGE=A50, ACTUAL=A50, MISSING=ON, TITLE='Customer Segment Code Description', DESCRIPTION='Description for a Customer Segment Code.', HELPMESSAGE='Description attached to a Customer Segment Code.', $
FIELD=Seg_Load_Date, ALIAS=FINEDW_EFF_DAT, USAGE=YYMD, ACTUAL=DATE, TITLE='Load Date', DESCRIPTION='Date a record was created in FinEDW.', HELPMESSAGE='Date a record was created in FinEDW. Format: D/M/YYYY HH:MM:SS', $
FIELD=Seg_Changed_By, ALIAS=CHANGED_BY, USAGE=A8, ACTUAL=A8, TITLE='Changed By', DESCRIPTION='What entity added or changed the record.', HELPMESSAGE='System generated field to indicate what entity changed or added the record.', $
DBA=joanpass, DBAFILE=TSEC,$
Posts: 64 | Location: Denver | Registered: July 20, 2005Report This Post
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