Does anyone have experience in using "SET ALL=" with multiple (cluster) joins?
I have a MFD composed of a 'narrow' table with 41 columns of application data and 24 columns of binary values used as 'foreign keys' to join this 'parent' record to each of 24 'child'/'look-up' tables (XRef tables in FOCUS lingo).
I expect to use "SET ALL=..." to control the acceptance of each 'parent' row when a joined 'child' row is present or missing, but I wonder if I may need to (or am able to) express a different ALL= value for each of the 24 'children'. Of course, in my case, all 24 joins are not likely to be in use at the same time because FOCUS optimizes away a join when a column in the 'child' table is not mentioned in a DEFINE, PRINT/SUM, WHERE, IF, or BY context. If no child column is required for the report, then the child table is not part of the SQL query.
At this time my question is ... How is the SET ALL= control implemented when there are joins to multiple tables?
Is the match/nomatch outcome of each join combined with all the other match/nomatch outcomes by "AND"ing them together or by "OR"ing them together to arrive at a final include/exclude decision?
If I have several joins active and some of them have matches while others do not, how will the final output differ for each of the three possible settings of ALL=?
My envoronment is v7.1 querying a MS/SQL relational database.
WIN/2K running WF 7.6.4
Development via DevStudio 7.6.4, MRE, TextEditor.
Data is Oracle, MS-SQL.