Focal Point
.NET application

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July 20, 2005, 05:42 PM
.NET application
I have been writing procedures and reports in Developer's studio for a few months now. I am able to use Managed Reporting to allow users to look at these reports, but we now have a .Net application that I want to use WebFocus reports with. I have written the report in my application area, my developer says if I can give him a URL, he can do a GET to pass the parameters. When I run the .fex the only uRL I see is http://SERVER/ibi_apps/WFServlet. Is there something special I need to do to Publish these .fex's for his application?
July 20, 2005, 05:50 PM
Here is a simple page that will call a fex in the MRE.<br />
<HEAD><br /></HEAD>
<FORM name='form1' action='http://servername/ibi_apps/WFServlet' method='post'>
<TABLE> <tr><td>Click submit to produce report</td></tr>
<input type='hidden' name='IBIMR_domain'     value="xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx.htm">
<input type='hidden' name='IBIMR_action'     value="MR_RUN_FEX">
<input type='hidden' name='IBIMR_sub_action' value="MR_STD_REPORT">
<input type='hidden' name='IBIMR_fex'        value="app/xxxxxxxx.fex">
<input type='hidden' name='IBIF_ex'          value="app/xxxxxxxx.fex">
<input type='hidden' name='IBIMR_drill'      value="RUNNID">
<input type='hidden' name='IBIMR_folder'     value="#xxxxxxxxxxxx">
<input type='hidden' name='IBIMR_defer'      value="">
<input type='hidden' name='IBIMR_random'
document.form1.IBIMR_random.value = Math.random();
<tr><td><INPUT TYPE='submit' NAME='Submit' VALUE='Submit'>
<tr><td><INPUT TYPE='RESET' NAME='reset' VALUE='Reset'></td></tr>
</BODY><br /></HTML>

This message has been edited. Last edited by: <Mabel>,
July 20, 2005, 05:53 PM
So I should create these fex's within MRE? I was told I should do it under the application area on my EDASERV
July 20, 2005, 06:56 PM
Bryan Brannigan
This URL should execute a fex in the Data Server/Applications area.

July 22, 2005, 04:39 PM
I seem to be getting somewhere and have made some real headway thanks to all of your for you help.

I've finally figured out that I can put in

This brings up my page where I am prompted for my two date parameters. Is there someway that I can enter that in the original URL?
July 25, 2005, 07:43 AM
Tony A

Just add them as further parameters in the URL -

http://server/ibi_apps/WFServlet?IBIF_ex=nameoffex&IBIC...11&Date_2=2005/07/25 ....... etc.
July 25, 2005, 07:40 PM
WebFOCUS WebServices in 7.1 allows for .NET intergration via WebServices and .NET controls. This is a Add-on to WebFOCUS and will make .NET intergration much much easier.
July 25, 2005, 07:50 PM
Hi Ginny,

For more information, see the WebFOCUS Web Services Version 7.1 manual (DN4500715.0505).

I hope this helps.

February 28, 2007, 09:30 AM
I am in the process of coding a .NET C# application. It is a Windows application.
Can I invoke a WebFocus report from it.
When it encounters the code that tries to logon to WebFocus I am getting this error message

"Client found response content type of 'text/html; "
The code is as follows

WebReference.WebFocus wfs = new WebReference.WebFocus();
WebReference.LogOnInfo logon = new WebReference.LogOnInfo();
WebReference.WebFocusReturn ret = new WindowsApplication2.WebReference.WebFocusReturn();
WebReference.FexInfo report = new WindowsApplication2.WebReference.FexInfo();
WebReference.ValuesArrayEntry parm1 = new WindowsApplication2.WebReference.ValuesArrayEntry();

string newOutput = "";
string tempFile = "";

string[] parms = new string[2]; = "CASETYPE";
parm1.val = "EXTERNAL";

report.server = "EDASERVE"; = "ic001w03_cases15daysold"; = "ic001w03_cases15daysold";

logon = wfs.WebFocusLogOn("a76243","ramesh21","","");
ret = wfs.WebFocusRunFex(logon, report);

newOutput = ret.output;

if (ret.mime == "application/" )
tempFile = "c:\\temp\\cases_out.xls";
tempFile = "c:\\temp\\cases_out.pdf";

catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

Any help will be appreciated
