Focal Point
sheet name

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October 22, 2004, 02:34 PM
sheet name
I know that when we get a newer version of Excel I will have more control, but here is my question for now. I'm on WF 5.2.5 and Excel 1997, PCHolding a file in DIF format. The Sheet name has been coming up as WFServlet.dif, but in the last few days I've noticed it is now iterating this sheet name where it may look like WFServlet[4].dif and then when we run again, WFServlet[2].dif, etc. Is there some way to control the numbers that are appearing and have them set to something (or not appear at all)...Thanks
November 05, 2004, 07:52 PM
Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to alleviate the "unpredictable" worksheet name that appears in an Excel 97 report (I am assuming you are using EXL97 format). If you upgrade to Excel 2000 or higher and use the EXL2K format you can use the "titletext" attribute in the stylesheet to provide a custom worksheet name. This is available in both Report Painter (Dev Studio) and Report Assist (thin client) as a GUI option as well. The only other alternative is to use a WebQuery and pull the data from the spreadsheet. This technique works great if you're stuck with Excel 97 - See complete documentation for this technique in WF Creating Reports manual - Choosing a Display Format. I hope this helps.