Focal Point
Metamatrix JDBC

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December 08, 2005, 02:01 PM
Metamatrix JDBC
I am trying to have WebFOCUS 7.1 Server (XP) connect to Metamatrix, a database gateway which we will be 'funneling' all of our data sources. I have the Metamatrix JDBC driver file recognized by WebFocus, however, when I try to test the connection to Metamatrix, it comes up with an error I haven't seen before...

InvocationTargetException : org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.JCERSAPublicKey

Has anyone else come across this? Or any general insights as to whether this is a configuration or a driver problem?
December 08, 2005, 03:21 PM
Your best bet for this kind of issue and error message might be to open a case with tech support. They can go over the install/config with you and figure out where things are breaking down.
December 15, 2005, 12:52 PM
Hi Josh,

I ran a quick search on the error message and Metamatrix, and here are some topics from Information Builders' online documents which may be of interest:

InvocationTargetException when retrieving 210 records or mor

JDBC Request agents not responding

Error Connecting to Siebel 7.04

To open a case with tech support, please either call at 1-800-736-6130, or use the online system InfoResponse. Please have the following info ready before your call: .

Hope this helps. Big Grin



Kerry Zhan
Focal Point Moderator
Information Builders, Inc.