Focal Point
HTML Form Fex - Error Retrieving Data

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April 08, 2008, 09:25 AM
Tom Brittnacher
HTML Form Fex - Error Retrieving Data
I have the following HTML form fex. The listbox will sometimes populate just fine, but sometimes, the contents of the listbox will appear in a popup window, and the parent window has an error in the status bar that says "Error Retrieving Data..". Any thoughts on what is going on?

WF 761

  <script id="IBI_OptionsScript" type="text/javascript">
   var rltVersion = "76";
   var cgipath = "cgipath";
   var ibirls = "ibirls2";
   var multidrill = "multidrill";
   var mntFormValidate = "mntFormValidate";
   var rltdyncalendar = "rltdyncalendar";
   var olap="olap";
   var olappanebase="olappanebase";
   var olapdrill="olapdrill";
   var multidrill = "multidrill";

   var ibixmltree="ibixmltree";
   var ibilangtrans="ibilangtrans";

   var ibiOptions = new Array(cgipath,ibirls,mntFormValidate,ibilangtrans,rltdyncalendar,multidrill);

  <script id="IBI_nls" src="/ibi_html/javaassist/nls.js" type="text/javascript">

  <script id="IBI_ibigbl" src="/ibi_html/javaassist/ibi/html/js/ibigbl.js" type="text/javascript">

  <script id="IBI_ibigblloadCss" type="text/javascript">

  <script id="IBI_RelCallBack" type="text/javascript">
   function AdjustChildrenPosition()
   CAR Test
  <script id="clientEventHandlersJS" type="text/javascript">
   function window_onload()
    // TODO: Add your event handler code here

   function submitform_OnClick(ctrl)
    // TODO: Add your event handler code here

  <script for="window" eventname="onload">
   window.onload = function() { window_onload(); }
 <body edaconnectionrequired="true">
  <form id="form" tabIndex="2" name="form" method="post" fexlist_list="submitform">
   <select id="country" multiple size="30" name="COUNTRY" operation="OR" datafield="COUNTRY" displayfield="COUNTRY" datasource="car.mas" requiredfield="1501994" datafieldtype="CHAR" sourcetype="typeMaster" dfformat="A10V" ibiformat="A10V" addalloption="1" ibiapp_app="LOAN" ibic_server="EDASERVE" datatype="1" dynalldisplayvalue="ALL" accept="0">
  <input type="reset" name="resetform" value="Clear" />
  <input type="button" name="submitform" value="Search" requests_list="0" onclick="submitform_OnClick(this);" />
  <xml id=ibi_requests>
    <request requestid="0" sourcetype="typeFex" targettype="1" targetname="_self" ibif_ex="car.fex" ibic_server="EDASERVE" ibiapp_app="LOAN">
      <variable field="STARTDATE" file="sqlout.mas" desc="STARTDATE" datatype="0" operation="" default="" name="STARTDATE" textvarname="" accept="0" type="unresolved" select="0" min="" max="" controltype="7" create="1"></variable>
      <variable field="ENDDATE" file="sqlout.mas" desc="ENDDATE" datatype="0" operation="" default="" name="ENDDATE" textvarname="" accept="0" type="unresolved" select="0" min="" max="" controltype="7" create="1"></variable>
      <variable field="COUNTRY" file="car.mas" desc="COUNTRY" datatype="1" operation="OR" default="" name="COUNTRY" textvarname="" accept="0" type="unresolved" select="1" min="" max="" controltype="9" create="1"></variable>
      <variable field="WFFMT" file="sqlout.mas" desc="WFFMT" datatype="0" operation="" default="" name="WFFMT" textvarname="" accept="0" type="unresolved" select="0" min="" max="" controltype="8" create="1"></variable>

April 08, 2008, 11:50 AM
Darin Lee
Why are the variables for startdate, enddate, and wffmt coming from SQLOUT.MAS? Seems like those variables/controls would not be dynamically populated.



In FOCUS since 1991
WF Server: 7.7.04 on Linux and Z/OS, ReportCaster, Self-Service, MRE, Java, Flex
Data: DB2/UDB, Adabas, SQL Server Output: HTML,PDF,EXL2K/07, PS, AHTML, Flex
WF Client: 77 on Linux w/Tomcat
April 08, 2008, 11:59 AM
Tom Brittnacher
I figured it out finally, the
August 05, 2008, 04:40 AM
Seems like those

Can any one explain how to send the values in the selected items to the fex? How to pass the variables in the variable field of XML


WF Database : oracle

WebFOCUS /oracle 11 i

August 05, 2008, 11:47 AM
Darin Lee
I'm not understanding your question. Does it have to do with this individual's thread or is it a general how to? Could you explain a little further?



In FOCUS since 1991
WF Server: 7.7.04 on Linux and Z/OS, ReportCaster, Self-Service, MRE, Java, Flex
Data: DB2/UDB, Adabas, SQL Server Output: HTML,PDF,EXL2K/07, PS, AHTML, Flex
WF Client: 77 on Linux w/Tomcat