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This field may contain all kind off formatting and codes like \tab and \par etcetera. Is there a possibility to display this field in a Report like it would display in Microsoft Word? Apart from the CLOB the report also has to display the "normal" fields.
In this forum I've SEARCHed for CLOB and TX and I've already tried to convert the format to A4000, but nothing does the trick
Field CONTENT contains (example):
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1043{\fonttbl {\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\fs20 Sales-meeting met Koen de Graaf en Teun Hoefnagel (beiden werkv. ber. van dit project.)\par Projectlrider \tab Bart van de Hoef\par uitvoerder \tab Michel Schoenmaker \tab M 06 22 05 37 65\par \par Werkadres van dit project is Middelstestraat 77 Weert\par \par Project is geen BIM\par \par Prijzen:\par 1e verd. A \tab AVU32 \tab\'80 35,75/m2\tab levering week 10\par dak A \tab\tab AVU32\tab\'80 34,50/m2\tab levering week 15\par \par De prijs is vast t/m 31-12-2016\par \par 1e verd. A dak 3580+\tab A260\tab 31,50/m2\tab levering week 10\par 1e verd. A dakterras \tab A260\tab 34,75/m2\tab levering week 10\tab\par dak A\tab\tab\tab A260\tab 32,70/m2\tab levering week 15\par \par Prijzen zijn incl. KH; KD en CS\par \par Betalingen tussen de 30 en 45 dagenaannemer betaald in de week na 30 dagen op een vast tijdstip en is daardoor voor 45 dagen bij VBI binnen.\par \par Def. tekeningen komen in week 50 naar VBI.\f1\par }
This message has been edited. Last edited by: <Emily McAllister>,
WebFocus 8.0.3 Windows 7 Prof Oracle Output PDF and Excel
Posts: 19 | Location: Netherlands | Registered: April 21, 2008
I was not able to figure this out in webFOCUS - so I got a little creative.
I created a frame in my webFOCUS HTML page. I then used some JavaScript to populate the frame. The JavaScript calls some .NET code I wrote that takes the keys needed to pull the clob/blob (data looks just likes your example) and sticks it into a System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox control. The RichTextBox control I then convert to HTML.
It's not as elegant as I'd like - but it works.
If you have the ability to do some .NET - let me know and I'd be happy to send a code example.
webFOCUS 8207.15 WindowsServer 2019
Posts: 120 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: August 26, 2013
But it doesn't solve my problem. The question I've raised is only part of it. I need to use extra fields (not CLOB) in my report.
The following code:
saves only the field CONT_A as a document with extension .RTF
Double-clicking in Windows opens it correctly in MS Word (with all its "make-up", tabs etc).
But when I include other fields in the PRINT , the result still has the RTF-extension, but it isn't recognized as such and it becomes plain text:
The result opens in MS Word (partial, the ID is placed before the RTF-code):
4065932{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1043{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\fs20 Sales-meeting met Koen de Graaf en Teun Hoefnagel (beiden..
It's just plain text
Suggestions, anyone?
WebFocus 8.0.3 Windows 7 Prof Oracle Output PDF and Excel
Posts: 19 | Location: Netherlands | Registered: April 21, 2008
I don't know of any way to do something like this. As you are probably aware, we do not at present have an adapter that will produce Word documents with formatting. What you are doing now is kind of an interesting workaround - since the CLOB field is written in Word's formatting - but I'm not surprised that the addition of other fields is throwing it off.
My only suggestion would be to see if you can get the rest of the report's formatting to match Word's formatting. Is it possible to break up the content in the CLOB into several pieces - one chunk for the part before your other field(s) are meant to go, and the other chunk to follow? If it's included like the rest of the text it might continue to recognize it as Word format.
I hope that helps you.
Sincerely, -Emily McAllister Focal Point Moderator