Focal Point
email multiselect - sending data from maintain to dynamic list of recipients on save

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April 09, 2009, 08:29 AM
Bill Cooper
email multiselect - sending data from maintain to dynamic list of recipients on save
I have a foc file with location, name, email.
I have a maintain that captures approval information for collaboration.

When I save updates to data using the maintain, I would like to send an email to a dynamic list of recipients based on location with some of the information that was updated.
The location has already been determined with an established global variable.

I am looking for an email procedure or something I can use to send the emails with.

I need to be able to pass the dynamic list of who I am sending TO:
I need to pass a predetermined RE: (or it can be coded in the email app)
I need to pass some of the fields of data captured with the maintain as MESSAGE:

Then I need some way of verifying that the emails have been sent.

Has anyone developed something like this or know of someone who has?

Bill Cooper

WebFocus 7.6.5

Version 7.6.5, XT, PDF
April 09, 2009, 09:53 AM
Maintain Wizard
We have a sample JSP file that works at some sites. You can pass the pieces of the e-mail (From, To, Subject and Body) from a Winform using JavaScript to the JSP. It automatically and silently sends the mail. I do not have a way to get a confirmation though.

Here is JS and jsp file. Make sure to change the SMTP client and webpage location to reflect your site. Please note that the EditBox values, 1 - 4 are collected from a Winform. In order for Mainain to pass values to a JavaScript they must be placed on a form. The values in the those editboxes can either be singular or a list.


function OnButton1_Click() {
webpage    = "http://md00715:8080/approot/Email/test.jsp";
getTo      = document.getElementById("EditBox1").value;
getFrom    = document.getElementById("EditBox2").value;
getSubject = document.getElementById("EditBox3").value;
getInqNum  = document.getElementById("EditBox4").value;
url = webpage + "?getTo=" + getTo + "&getFrom=" + getFrom + "&getSubj=" + getSubject + "&getInqNum=" + getInqNum;,"emailwin");


<%@ page import=",*" %>
 String from=request.getParameter("getFrom");
 String to=request.getParameter("getTo");
 String subj=request.getParameter("getSubj");
 String body=request.getParameter("getBody");

     SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("");
     PrintStream message = client.startMessage();
     message.println("To: " + to);
     message.println("From: " + from);
     message.println("Subject:  " + subj);

  catch (IOException e){	
     System.out.println("ERROR SENDING EMAIL:"+e);

<script language="JavaScript">
