Focal Point
Display data values for a Graph

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January 29, 2004, 04:23 PM
Display data values for a Graph
I have a graph with months (Jan, Feb,...) on the x-axis and 2 separate sets of data on the y-axis (1 set as a line and the other as bars). It works fine. NOW I would like to print out a "table" with the graph listing the 12 months (across) and with 1 line containing 1 set of y values and a second line containing the second set of y values and have this table positioned just below the x-axis. I see no way of doing this. Anyone know how or have suggestions?

January 29, 2004, 06:15 PM
well, here's one idea.
Create your graph in a fex and hold it ( i think grafs you save as gifs, if i remember correctly)
Create your table in the same fex and hold it
then at the end of the fex, write an htmlform to show them both as adjacent cells in a row.
[!-- your graph file -->
[!-- your table file -->