J. Erickson,
Haven't worked on the mainframe this century!!! SAR as a report library, you have taken me back!!!
Found this on a search for MVS ABEND CODES:
An attempt was made to execute a machine instruction which had invalid operands.
Possible causes & Solution:
1. The program fields and/or data sets were incorrectly defined.
2. A multiplier or divisor was too large.
3. A subscript or index contained an invalid value.
4. A JCL DD statement was either invalid or missing.
5. The blocksize and record size were specified as equal for variable length records.
6. An attempt was made read/write to an unopened data set.
7. An attempt was made to read after end-of-file.
8. A stop run occurred before all opened data sets were closed.
B.In the input or output procedure of a sort.
9. An attempt was made to reference an input/output area, but no open or read had occurred for the data set.
10. Invalid parameters were passed through the linkage section.
11. The file-control select clause was missing for the data set that was being processed.
Tom Flynn
WebFOCUS 8.1.05 - PROD/QA
DB2 - AS400 - Mainframe