Focal Point
[SOLVED]HTML Composer: Change link?

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June 21, 2016, 09:32 AM
[SOLVED]HTML Composer: Change link?
Hi all,

I have an HTML page that was written in HTML Composer (App Studio). The FEX files the page references have changed location so I need to update the path/link used in the HTML page, but cannot for the life of me find where to do this in HTML Composer. I have already checked the Hyperlink section under Properties and do not see any way to edit the Requests defined in the Tasks section. I really don't want to have to rebuild half the HTML page every time a link needs to be updated....

Anybody have any insights?


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WebFocus; Windows Server 2012, Windows 7; All Outputs
June 21, 2016, 09:43 AM
Francis Mariani
Unfortunately, you will "have to rebuild half the HTML page every time a link needs to be updated". If you used the GUI to build the page, you have to use the GUI to edit the page. You have to point-and-click to reference the fex in the new location. Heaven help you if you use a text editor to edit a GUI-built HTML page.


Give me code, or give me retirement. In FOCUS since 1991

Production: WF 7.7.05M, Dev Studio, BID, MRE, WebSphere, DB2 / Test: WF 8.1.05M, App Studio, BI Portal, Report Caster, jQuery, HighCharts, Apache Tomcat, MS SQL Server
June 21, 2016, 10:10 AM
I ran into this problem after moving a FEX file that was called upon by a complex, self-service type HTML page.

I categorically deny that I opened up the HTML page in a text editor and found some XML markup code that referenced the FEX:


I deny that I changed the path to the FEX. This is not supported by IBI.

I also deny that I get a nag message now when opening up the page in App Studio. Something about "this file was edited outside of the GUI" or something like that.

App Studio
WebFOCUS 8.1.05M
Windows, All Outputs
June 21, 2016, 02:47 PM
Thanks for your replies - I was able to make it work with the not-to-be-mentioned solution Big Grin

It boggles my mind why IBI is phasing out the tools and features Developers live in day in and day out...having to jump through hoops like this just to make a minor link change is flat out absurd!!

WebFocus; Windows Server 2012, Windows 7; All Outputs
June 21, 2016, 03:40 PM
Francis Mariani
The Developers are being replaced by empowered Users.

According to Wired, we're Finished:

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Give me code, or give me retirement. In FOCUS since 1991

Production: WF 7.7.05M, Dev Studio, BID, MRE, WebSphere, DB2 / Test: WF 8.1.05M, App Studio, BI Portal, Report Caster, jQuery, HighCharts, Apache Tomcat, MS SQL Server
June 21, 2016, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by Francis Mariani:
The Developers are being replaced by empowered Users.

According to Wired, we're Finished:

Well, two things:

1) Human programmers won't be needed in the future until computers try to divide by zero. Which won't take long.

2) WIRED magazine is selling copies in front of a magazine that is touting an article titled "Pole Dancing for Beginners". Doesn't do much for the credibility thing.

App Studio
WebFOCUS 8.1.05M
Windows, All Outputs
August 05, 2016, 08:25 AM
Or maybe coding is not dead ...

"If you are joining the company in your 20s, unlike when I joined, you’re going to learn to code. It doesn’t matter whether you are in sales, finance or operations. You may not end up being a programmer, but you will know how to code."

-- Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO at GE

Full article is here:
Why GE is giving up employee ratings

WebFOCUS 8.2.06
August 08, 2016, 09:04 AM
Francis Mariani
Both good news!
Fabuplus - "Pole Dancing for Beginners"
GE - "you’re going to learn to code"


Give me code, or give me retirement. In FOCUS since 1991

Production: WF 7.7.05M, Dev Studio, BID, MRE, WebSphere, DB2 / Test: WF 8.1.05M, App Studio, BI Portal, Report Caster, jQuery, HighCharts, Apache Tomcat, MS SQL Server
August 10, 2017, 08:10 AM
I found another work around for this that seems to do the trick.

What you can do is create a new external request (for example) to the new updated location for the referenced fex. Give it the same exact name.

If there are parameters, drag them from the old incorrect path to the new one. Once they are all there, delete the reference to the old (broken) reference and everything should now work.

The key is the names must be exactly the same.

I should also note that this method will NOT work for dropdowns (dynamic requests) and you will still need to re-link those under settings. You may also need to click each of the parameters under the new link and choose Send as mine defaulted to Don't send.

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