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First of all, yes, I have already done a search for the topic on the forum. I found the exact same problem, but was unable to pick out a solution from the threads I found (maybe falling off a ladder last weekend has caused a disconnect in my brain!) Anyway, let me restate the problem and then throw out the questions.
I have been using compound documents for quite a while now, but have just been given a request for which I need to use the "coordinated report" functionality. Not having done this previously, I was unsure of syntax and went to the GUI for starters. I finished the report (by editing text), it all looked great, and at the very last, I noticed a small problem with the page numbering if the user choses a "Sort by Location" option. The report is layed out as follows: Report 1 - Report Heading Page showing Company logo/address, report contents, parameters used, etc. - single report, always 1 page, no page number Report 2 - Data Summary - single report, always 1 page with page number (starting at 2) Report 3 - Data Analysis - 6 reports(3 down, two across) with data summarized 6 different ways, with page numbers (starting at 3), possible sort/page-break by location Report 4 - Graphical Summary - single report, always 1 page with page number starting at last page of Report #3 + 1
If sort by location is not chosen, no problem. If it IS chosen, the Report3 causes page number on report 4 to be wrong. If there are 11 locations, I get Report 1=Page 1,Report2=Page2, Report3=page 3 to page 13, report4=page 69. It counts each of the 6 reports on Report3 times number of locations. I need Report4 to start on Page 14.
I am using &FOCNEXTPAGE and SET FOCFIRSTPAGE to carry my page numbers to subsequent reports.
Here are the questions: 1. It appears that there is a PAGE-MASTER option somewhere that might solve my problem. The post seems to indicate that it is available in 7.1.x, but I am unable to find it anywhere. Nor could I pick out specific code from individual posts to determine how it works. Is this available in 7.1.x or not until 7.6.x?
2. If there is someone who has successfully done what I need, could I see a code example from CAR (you can included individual fexes inline) so I can duplicate the technique for my report?
In FOCUS since 1991 WF Server: 7.7.04 on Linux and Z/OS, ReportCaster, Self-Service, MRE, Java, Flex Data: DB2/UDB, Adabas, SQL Server Output: HTML,PDF,EXL2K/07, PS, AHTML, Flex WF Client: 77 on Linux w/Tomcat
Posts: 2298 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah | Registered: February 02, 2007
Thanks for the response to my questions. I do have the PDF Layout Painter, but cannot find any "Add Page Master" option. Hmm. Anyway, hopefully I can use your example. Please email to Thanks again.
In FOCUS since 1991 WF Server: 7.7.04 on Linux and Z/OS, ReportCaster, Self-Service, MRE, Java, Flex Data: DB2/UDB, Adabas, SQL Server Output: HTML,PDF,EXL2K/07, PS, AHTML, Flex WF Client: 77 on Linux w/Tomcat
Posts: 2298 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah | Registered: February 02, 2007
I think the problem may be that the page-master functionality is not available until 7.6.x. I got the code that Ginny used, but I get the error (FOC3209) UNKNOWN KEYWORD IN STYLESHEET FILE AT LINE 8: TOC-LEVEL
I searched techsupport and the only references to TOC-LEVEL are in the 7.6 docs. And there is no "Add Page Master Layout" option in my DevSTudio. I did find a thread where someone who "listed" their version level as 7.1.5 got this working, but now I'm skeptical about that.
Anyone on a pre-7.6 version that has this working, please let me know.
In FOCUS since 1991 WF Server: 7.7.04 on Linux and Z/OS, ReportCaster, Self-Service, MRE, Java, Flex Data: DB2/UDB, Adabas, SQL Server Output: HTML,PDF,EXL2K/07, PS, AHTML, Flex WF Client: 77 on Linux w/Tomcat
Posts: 2298 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah | Registered: February 02, 2007