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PDF drill down 'mouseover' text

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July 10, 2007, 07:21 AM
PDF drill down 'mouseover' text

We want to get rig of the 'mouseover box' (with all paremeters etc) when drill down to another PDF report.

Any ideas to that?

We are using WF 713.

WF 7.1.3 on Win 2003/IIS 6/ Atlanta / MVS
July 10, 2007, 09:32 AM
That one you cannot do.

Unlike Excel where you can run a macro to do it for you, PDF does not give you that option.

In html you would use ALT, in Excel (delivered,as in IBs format HTML) it's TITLE, there must be an
Acrobat equivalent but I've no idea what it is.

Needs to be a new feature request I think.
July 10, 2007, 11:12 AM
EK, what are you trying to do? Are you in a PDF report and drilling to another?


Prod - WF 7.6.4 Unix/Solaris - Self-Service, BI Dashboard, MRE
Dev - WF 7.6.4 Unix/Solaris - Self-Service, BI Dashboard, MRE
Databases: Oracle 10g, SQL Server 2000, DB2.