Here's how I do it.
I use a separate function that controls opening the new window with the desired attributes:
private function openDrillWindow(urlString:String):void {
var jscommand:String = "'" + urlString + "','WindowName','height=800,width=1000,menubar=no,directories=no,resizable=yes,toolbar=yes,status=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes');";
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");
navigateToURL(url, "_self");
A separate function builds the actual URL:
private function dataDrill(event:ListEvent):void {
var CLMKEY:String=event.currentTarget.selectedItem.CLM_KEY ;
var drillstring2:String = "&IBIMR_fex=app/fex1.fex&IBIF_ex=app/fex1.fex";
var fexString:String;
fexString = drillfex + "CLMNBR=" + CLMKEY + drillstring2 + "&POLNBR=" + strPolNbr;
Please note that we have hidden many of the system required parameters including authentication credentials behind a proxy server. The rest of the URL for an MRE procedure would look something more like this:
var drillstring1:String="http://servername/ibi_apps/WFServlet?IBIMR_action=MR_RUN_FEX&IBIMR_sub_action=MR_STD_REPORT&IBIMR_drill=RUNNID&IBIWF_action=WF_SIGNON&IBIC_user=userid&IBIC_pass=pass";
Then, whichever object contains the drilldown capability will contain the itemClick property like itemClick="dataDrill(event)"
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