Hello FernB.,
we are using holdfiles with infoassist,
we store the holdfiles as permanent holdfiles in the folder "user_files" instead of FOCCACHE.
At first we have created some reports they have only permanent holdfiles as output
and then some reports they are using this holdfiles, alone and also in combination with other masterfiles/holdfiles.
At last we have created a scheduled task with this bunch of reports,
that wouldn't work with holdfiles within FOCCACHE.
This scheduled task job combines all necessary jobs in the right order
and create the holdfiles and could also - if its necessary - include the jobs to create the reports.
FOCCACHE makes - from our experience - sence,
if you use in one report, which is creating a holdfile and create a report with this this holdfile,
but we have'nt tried to create more than one report in this case.
The disadvantage was, that infoassist, after using a holdfile, changed to the tree mode (in WF 8009).
Have a nice day
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