Focal Point
setLegendReverse Problem

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April 16, 2008, 12:05 PM
setLegendReverse Problem
I have a problem with the setLegendReverse setting in a stacked bar graph.

I have created the graph and all is well. I received some feedback from a user stating that the bars are displayed in reverse order of the legend. I started to hunt around for a way to reverse the legend and came to the setLegendReverse = true/false option. I set it to true and my legend dissapears. I set it back to false and it works as previously stated.

Is there a trick to this setting?

My Legend Settings are:



WebFOCUS 8201M/Windows Platform
April 16, 2008, 12:15 PM
Try adding this before

In Focus since 1993. WebFOCUS 7.7.03 Win 2003
It seems as though this issue is a little more sneaky then what I first assumed. A little background:

I have a graph that I am creating. A simple stacked bar graph. This bar graph I am wanting to include as part of a bigger package that is sent to management every month, so for each graph I am doing the following:

1. Create the graph and ON TABLE HOLD AS &IMGNAME.EVAL FORMAT SVG (So I can include in PDF later)
2. Creating a table request and include the image within the request:
POSITION=(0.311667 0.805556),
3. Include all the charts in a compound pdf

Now it seems as though running the graph alone without Holding it works ok with the reverselegend, however the extra step of holding and including in the table request just leaves the legend out if in reverse mode...

WebFOCUS 8201M/Windows Platform
I may have answered my own question:

Seems as though it is a known issue...

Thanks for the help anyways Prarie

WebFOCUS 8201M/Windows Platform