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Discussion Topic  RE: [SHARING] What's the difference between EQ and IS? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
Francis, I guessed that it would which is why I mentioned DB2 on OS390 circa 1994! T...
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SHARING] What's the difference between EQ and IS? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
To get back to the original topic ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SHARING] What's the difference between EQ and IS? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
You're showing your age now Francis ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SHARING] What's the difference between EQ and IS? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SOLVED] Adding the date to the app hold file name (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
I use the method that Ginny suggests as with the DIR command with wildcards, you can ensure that you......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SOLVED] Reorganize Multiple Values for ACROSS seperated on different rows (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
fjk, Sometimes is it better to use sample (simple) data to understand a method and then apply what ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Horizontal align with EXL2K format (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
Jérény, Unfortunately not without utilising VBA within the Excel workbook (and for that you need to......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] FML - Sorting other than Account Number (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
Just specify the order you want by changinf the FOR syntax - ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SOLVED] Join to a hold file twice (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
cwm, That's what the TAG syntax is for - ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SOLVED] SQL Sub Select using FOCUS (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
Just using WebFOCUS without SQL, you could perform a pre extract to hold all the order numbers that ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SOLVED] hiding zero in 3D stacked bar graph (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
GamP, That's why I asked him the question towards the beginning. In his latest reply he said he onl......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SOLVED] hiding zero in 3D stacked bar graph (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Run a reportcaster job from fex file. (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
Cyril, There are plenty of examples throughout the Forum of using the RC API to achieve what you re......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Can SQL be run from Mainframe FOCUS 7.1.1? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
wm, If you can't get the SET ALL working for you then you could always rely upon the good old MATCH......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SOLVED] Excel template with Excel custom header (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
Dave, When WebFOCUS writes output to an Excel template, it overwrites anything that exists in the t......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SOLVED] Webfocus connection from MS access (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SLOVED] How to calculate the week from one date input? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
Why not use the following for your second two dates? ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Chained List boxes with ALL option (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
If you read other posts on the Forum then you would realise that when ALL is selected the value of '......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [SHARING] Embedding Results of TABLE Command In HTML. (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Delete data out of focus database (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by Tony A
Joe, I would add that any suggestions you find here are used at your own risk. As Mark suggested, t......
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