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Discussion Topic  RE: Free: WebFOCUS Report Caster Self-Service Scheduling Interface (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Check your PM...
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Discussion Topic  RE: query LDAP for additional information (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
You could always get a JDBC/LDAP Bridge (
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: ReportCaster - No report to distribute - Causes "On Error" e-mail notification (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Mayby try the same thing, but send the dummy report to the library, or a ftp site, or just something......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Pre Formatted Text box in Resource Layout Painter (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
I think your looking for JavaScript that will allow you to test the format of an input box before su......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Going between Painter and Code - Is there a trick? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
With version 5.3.x, one thing that you really need to do is make sure that all parameters have a def......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Stored procedure with parameters (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
That error usually means that you are passing a character value for an integer, or char for date etc......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Call Report Assistant/Graph Assistant from URL (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Is this for a BID environment, or MRE?...
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Discussion Topic  RE: how to maintain the login credentials (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
If WF is running in servlet mode, you can also look into protecting the context (/ibi_apps) via the ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: subfoot problem (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
The define does not look correct to me. You are doing things that may not be officially supported. ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: How can you run a Self Serve Procedure from a HTML file in the MRE (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Lets assume I have a self service procedure called ssproc.fex. If I want to have a html file built ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: WebFocus procedure execution (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Typically, when you call a servlet, your calling action would wait for a response, thus confirming a......
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Discussion Topic  RE: ReportCaster - Error connecting to MR Repository (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Open a problem with NY. Are you using pre 5.2.5 by chance. I believe this was a known threading is......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Foccrawler, Couple of things: 1) Globals in html !; 2) By default, pdf's and excel fil......
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Discussion Topic  RE: "Best" way to integrate WF? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Maybe some clarification is in order: (first EJL then Foccrawler) EJL: There is nothing wrong wit......
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Discussion Topic  RE: WebFOCUS portlets and BEA WebLogic (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
When you updated the memory, what memory did you update? Did you update the java heap size?...
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: Security Integration w/ Other Apps (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Not being able to have multiple sessions is only valid for BID (Dashboard). This means that userid ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: WORKING WITH CUBE (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
For the most part, the web focus mfd will contain the dimension and attribute as defined in essbase.......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Report Caster Web Services for 7.1.1 (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Ok, This is obviously crapping out at the logon stage. Are you invoking your logonService at any ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Drill down in Excel (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
Lloyd, What does the address line say when the excel file displays? Also, what is the contents of ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Excel BYTOC going to report library... (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by dhagen
InsideTGT, I just ran a test with WF 7.1.0. I created a sample report with excel toc, and schedule......
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