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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Detecting Daylight Savings Time (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Here's a sample FOCEXEC using the EMPDATA database to demonstrate how to use the FUNCTION and the re......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Detecting Daylight Savings Time (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
To ALL; You might not like this but here is the first version of a DEFINE FUNCTION I created to det......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Detecting Daylight Savings Time (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
jimster06; I tried this but it doesn't look like it will work for me. REG is not recognized and RE......
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Discussion Topic  RE: [CLOSED] Detecting Daylight Savings Time (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Tony, Thanks for the link. This looks like it gives me what I need. I was hoping for a FOCUS ENV ......
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Discussion Topic  [CLOSED] Detecting Daylight Savings Time (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Is there a way to detect whether or not we are currently under day light savings time or under stand......
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Discussion Topic  An Idea for a New Focal Point Section (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
To Maryellen and ALL; I just recently posted a discussion asking for assistance about how to determ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: More first and Last info (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Ginny, There is some information about the usage of FST. and LST. in the Interface Manual specific ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: More first and Last info (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
I think we went off the deep end with complicating this request. The following should work. TABLE ......
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Discussion Topic  MEETING: Washington, DC May 25, 2006 (in Events, Job Postings, Miscellaneous Announcements) by mgrackin
The next Washington, DC IBUG Meeting will be held on May 25, 2006 in Arlington, VA. This will be an......
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Discussion Topic  RE: is it true that you cant put jpgs into pdfs, only gifs? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Susannah, Originally only GIFs were supported. However, as you noted, later releases added the abi......
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Discussion Topic  Presentations from Summit Online? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Are the presentations from Summit 2006 available online yet? I have a need to see the slides from a......
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Poll  RE: Best Part of Summit 2006 (in Events, Job Postings, Miscellaneous Announcements) by mgrackin
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Poll  Best Part of Summit 2006 (in Events, Job Postings, Miscellaneous Announcements) by mgrackin
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Discussion Topic  RE: grouping rows (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Ginny, Instead of using a whole bunch of COMPUTES and DEFINEs, try the following. The key is to se......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: Why does the total on a by show one row below (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
If you are hiding (NOPRINT) the BY fields then the "TOTAL" will appear on a seperate line for ANY ou......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Why does the total on a by show one row below (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
RC, Here is a link to a thread discussing this very topic sometime last year. I tried to explain t......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Any Focal Point Activities at Summit? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Thanks for the information. I did not receive this email....
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Discussion Topic  Any Focal Point Activities at Summit? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
It seems many of us would like to meet each other at Summit and get a group photo. I haven't heard ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Trouble with SUBHEAD (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
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Poll  RE: Poll: Who's going to Summit? (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
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