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Discussion Topic  RE: PCT. and ACROSS and ROW-TOTAL and ACROSS-TOTAL and COLUMN-TOTAL (Here I go again!) (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Francis, What is so difficult about your request is that you want the context of the PCT. calculati......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: PCT. and ACROSS and ROW-TOTAL and ACROSS-TOTAL and COLUMN-TOTAL (Here I go again!) (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Francis, The following code will get you everything EXCEPT for a proper GRANDTOTAL. If you can liv......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: PCT. and ACROSS and ROW-TOTAL and ACROSS-TOTAL and COLUMN-TOTAL (Here I go again!) (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Francis, I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do. I see that WebFOCUS is summing the %'s anf ......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: [ALWAYS OPEN] Calculating Percentages with Across and By (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: APP PATH (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Tony, Thanks for the APP HELP tip. I tried this and printed myself a nice one page cheat sheet. I......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: Integrating different reports into a single report (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
I'm surprised no one has mentioned COORDINATED PDF documents, a new feature in WF 710. If you are l......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: Multipage SUBHEAD (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Try seting LINES and PAPER = 999999 SET LINES = 999999 SET PAPER = 999999 I'm not sure if this wil......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: Large Text Field Handling in new 7.etc versions (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: Large Text Field Handling in new 7.etc versions (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
What is your database and how is it defined? CLOB or VARCHAR? I don't think this format limit for ......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: Large Text Field Handling in new 7.etc versions (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
How long is the text field in your database? I believe WebFOCUS can have Alphanumeric fields of up ......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  Wrapping O1LabelText in SVG (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Has anyone been creating graphs in the new SVG format? This option was added in the 5.3 release of ......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  Counting the words in a string (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Has anyone developed a technique to count the number of words in a string? A blank is the word sepa......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: changing the fontsize of X-AXIS labels in Graph (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
What tis the difference between these two commands?......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: changing the fontsize of X-AXIS labels in Graph (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: changing the fontsize of X-AXIS labels in Graph (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Buddy, I did a little testing and it looks like the setPlace(true); is causing your Font setting to......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: changing the fontsize of X-AXIS labels in Graph (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Not sure if this will help but here are the API commands I have in a number of my graph requests. I......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: changing the fontsize of X-AXIS labels in Graph (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
You may also want to try turning off the AUTOFIT for the X-AXIS Labels:......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  RE: Poll - Enhancement to position TITLEs after SUBHEAD Text (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Susannah and everyone:......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  Poll - Enhancement to position TITLEs after SUBHEAD Text (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
Many of us (if not all of us) at one time or another have had to hand code column TITLEs when using ......
Focal Point > Focal Point Forums > WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point

Discussion Topic  MFD Field Desc for an Oracle Date/Time That's Numeric (in WebFOCUS/FOCUS Forum on Focal Point ) by mgrackin
I have an Oracle table for which I am creating a Master File Description. I used the CREATE SYNONYM......
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