Depends on the Load option you choose:
"Add new, replace actual/target" will add new records, replace the actual/target values of existing records and preserve existing records that are not in your new load (a possibility for you).
"Add new, increment actual/target" will add new records, preserving old records and actually incrementing the Act/Targ values with the values from your load (a possibility for you).
"Add new, replace act/targ, delete old" will delete all records not in your new load, include new records and replace the Act/Targ values with the values from your load.
"Add new, increment act/targ, delete old." will delete all records not in your new load, include new records and increment the Act/Targ values with the values from your load.
The main questions are:
Do you want to replace or increment your actual/target values?
Do you want to retain old records?
Then I strongly suggest reading the available PMF Help.
prod: WF/AS 8.2.05; OmniGen;
In FOCUS since 1991