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Maintain : examples on how to implement ActiveX components

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May 17, 2006, 10:48 AM
Maintain : examples on how to implement ActiveX components

I want to use Active X components in maintain, but i dont find much documentation on how to implement them and use them

does anyone have a clear example on how i can use them?


D: WF 7.6.2 P. : WF 7.6.2 on W2003
I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments.

-Jim Morrison-

May 17, 2006, 03:02 PM
Incorporating ActiveX controls is documented quite well in the Developer Studio Online Help (search Index tab for “ActiveX controls”).

It details:
(1) How to Place an ActiveX Control on Your Form

(2) How to Add an ActiveX Control to Your Project as a Resource

(3) How to Pass the Value of an ActiveX Control Property to a Maintain Function

(4) An Example of passing an ActiveX Control Value to a Maintain Function


Here is an example of incorporating Microsoft's MonthView ActiveX Control to form.

1) Add ActiveX control (e.g. Microsoft MonthView Control 6.0 from c:\windows\system32\mscomct2.ocx) to form (named Form1).

2) Then in its DateClick or Click event, JavaScript handler, add the following JavaScript:

// Since the actual selected date value is "FRI Jun 9 11:00:00 EDT 2005"
// format. Only the actual month, day, and year are extracted then concatenated
// with forward slash.
var fulldate = document.Form1.MSComCtl22.value;
var selected_date = document.Form1.MSComCtl22.month + '/' + + '/' + document.Form1.MSComCtl22.year;
// Pass date value into Maintain function, GetData
IWCTrigger("GetDate", selected_date);

3) Then add Maintain function, GetDate, to retrieve the selected date
Case GetDate
compute selected_date/mdyy = Form1.Triggervalue;

May 18, 2006, 12:18 PM
Hi Pete,

I did a quick searcon and came up with some documents for the Active X.

Here's the link: Active X Documents

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Hope this helps.