This is from "Identifying a Report Component in a WebFOCUS stylesheet" in the Creating Reports Language manual (emphasis added):
Nn Identifies a column by its position in the report. To determine this value, count vertical sort (BY) fields, display fields, and ROW-TOTAL fields, from left to right,
including NOPRINT fields. For an example, see Identifying a Column of Data.
Pn Identifies a column by its position in the report. To determine the value of n, count vertical sort (BY) fields, display fields, and ROW-TOTAL fields from left to right.
Do not count NOPRINT fields. Cn Identifies a display column by its position in the report. To determine the value of n, count
only display fields from left to right, including NOPRINT fields. Do not count vertical sort (BY) fields or ROW-TOTAL fields. To select all display fields use C*.
Bn Identifies a vertical sort (BY) column by its position in the report. To determine the value of n, count
only vertical sort (BY) fields, including NOPRINTs, from left to right.
To select all BY fields use B*.
field Identifies a column by its field name.
When a field occurs more than once, use field(n) to select a particular occurrence or field(*) to select all occurrences of the field.
ROWTOTAL Identifies a column of row totals generated using ROW-TOTAL. When used with ACROSS and multiple display commands, ROWTOTAL generates multiple total columns. Use ROWTOTAL(n) to select a particular total column. Use ROWTOTAL(field) to select the row total column for a particular field.
Use ROWTOTAL(*) to select all row total columns in the report.
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