Hi Eric,
I have found the following that has resolved this same issue in the past.
A change in the way Chrome works has caused it to stop respecting the XMH format as a Web Archive.
A combination of two settings is required to resolve this problem:
Use SET WEBARCHIVE = OFF to change WebFOCUS processing from XMH to XHT format.
Change the Redirection Settings for the XHT format to Yes/Yes to redirect and save the report to XLS format.
You can specify the command either directly within the .fex procedure itself
or you can specify the command within the edasprof.prf. Placing the command
within the edasprof.prf file allows it to be globally enabled for all
To set the command in the edasprof:
http://server:8121 (for a default installation)
Click Workspace and then Expand Configuration Files
Right click "Server Profile - edasprof.prf(TAKE A BACK UP FIRST)
Add SET WEBARCHIVE = OFF to a new line at the bottom of the file.
2. To set the Redirection Settings:
http://server:8080/ibi_apps/ Click WebFOCUS Administration Console
Expand Configuration
Click Redirection Settings
Change the settings for .xht format to Yes and Yes
Click Save at the bottom of the page
Click Clear Cache at the top of the page
Hopefully,this will resolve your issue. Although we have found as you have mentioned that a Chrome update has caused an issue.
Excel 2013 is not supported with WebFOCUS 7.7.02. Chrome issupported.
Also the version of Chrome that is
supported with 7.7.02 is Chrome version 7. To be compatible with 7.7.02 you would need to be have Office 2007 and Chrome 7 or Internet Explorer7 or 8.