Focal Point
Last MasterFile Name

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September 24, 2008, 11:42 AM
Dave Kempin
Last MasterFile Name
When I monitor my jobs on the server console, right clicking and viewing statistics shows me the last master file that was accessed...except... when I am running a job hub-sub(?) using -REMOTE BEGIN/-REMOTE END.

In that case, I get a random master file name. I believe this is because the agent displays the last masterfile it was "aware" of, and since the fex is running on a different EDA server, it just displays the last master file name in memory.

Is that the case? Is there any way to clear the Last MasterFile Name from an agent - this has really led to some confusion in the past if we were looking at the correct job or not.


WebFOCUS 7.6.1
AIX / Windows 2003
September 24, 2008, 12:32 PM
It sounds like your thery is correct. I do not believe that you can clear it. If you really need to create a dummy master something like REMOTE and then query it and then issue the -REMOTE commands. just a suggestion
