Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post [SOLVED] Heading alignment issue with across field in excel format Purushottam 13 2999 May 22, 2020 08:19 AM by Berny [CLOSED] Pass a variable into Slide Control Filter Matthew S 7 2225 May 21, 2020 02:29 PM by FP Mod Chuck [SOLVED] Append datestamp onto file using ReportCaster to FTP B 14 4300 May 21, 2020 02:10 PM by B [CLOSED] ReportCaster - how to identify schedules missing access lists Curt 4 1723 May 20, 2020 06:40 PM by Doug [CLOSED] How to position multiple graphs horizontally in excel format Purushottam 2 1782 May 20, 2020 05:14 PM by Doug [SOLVED] InfoAssist GUI tool globalwm 6 3631 May 20, 2020 12:23 PM by FP Mod Chuck [CLOSED WITHOUT RESOLUTION] App Studio 8.1.04 - Edit in external text editor Page 1 2 3 4 Francis Mariani 118 45169 May 20, 2020 10:19 AM by BrankoP [Solved]Unable to access reports using a copy of the files created in dev studio Kartik Katyal 7 2483 May 18, 2020 01:45 PM by Kartik Katyal [CLOSED] Any 'Total Access Cloud' customers? jnc 1 1325 May 18, 2020 11:22 AM by FP Mod Chuck [SOLVED] Tool Tip font customization BI Dev 2 1527 May 17, 2020 09:33 PM by BI Dev [SOLVED] Alpha Field Contains Data that Needs to Be Broken Out to Alpha and Numeric AMC2 12 2545 May 17, 2020 03:19 PM by AMC2 [SOLVED]Drill Throughs on an HTML5 Chart Extension Berny 4 2438 May 15, 2020 02:40 PM by Berny [CASE OPENED] GeoMap request error DWaybright 2 2079 May 14, 2020 04:09 PM by ryanj [SOLVED]When writing to Oracle, Oracle writes Alias names instead of name in fex Geri 2 1607 May 14, 2020 04:00 PM by Geri [CLOSED] Spacing Over an ACROSS and a COMPUTE AMC2 26 3987 May 14, 2020 11:54 AM by AMC2 [CLOSED] Is Summit still happening? Hallway 7 2870 May 14, 2020 11:08 AM by Hallway [SOLVED] InfoAssist. How to build a custom parameter independent of physical source? Manoj 5 2306 May 14, 2020 05:42 AM by Manoj [SOLVED] Is there any way to execute small scripts using a command window or similar? Manoj 4 2373 May 14, 2020 05:38 AM by Manoj [CLOSED] Scheduled Email for Page dkiger 12 3188 May 14, 2020 03:05 AM by Tony A [SOLVED]Edge AHTML/HTML creates hyperlink with displayed data MartinY 5 2190 May 13, 2020 02:30 PM by MartinY [CLOSED] Showing Values under Dimensional hierarchies Saravana 1 1351 May 13, 2020 10:34 AM by FP Mod Chuck [CLOSED] Active Report(AHTML) Performance issue nox 5 2053 May 12, 2020 10:03 PM by nox [SOLVED] Custom Time Format Sandhya j 2 1381 May 12, 2020 03:23 PM by Sandhya j [SOLVED] Excel cell shows generic format with Adhoc reports Sandhya j 5 1885 May 12, 2020 11:04 AM by Sandhya j [SOLVED] Green Checkmark Generates as Black on Portal AMC2 6 2377 May 12, 2020 09:28 AM by dbeagan [CLOSED] ROW-TOTAL, MISSING VALUES, NODATA AND EXL07 FORMULA John_Edwards 4 1714 May 11, 2020 03:53 PM by John_Edwards [CLOSED] Insert record into Oracle database table from html page WF_Noob 1 1638 May 08, 2020 03:19 PM by FP Mod Chuck [SOLVED] Change color of Active tab in HTML page ELockett 1 1352 May 08, 2020 08:43 AM by ELockett [CLOSED]what "ibengine.exe" actually do? nox 5 2527 May 08, 2020 04:24 AM by nox [CLOSED]Is there a way to load graph in queue? nox 8 2644 May 07, 2020 03:50 PM by Waz [CLOSED] I will be retiring from IBI BarryS 9 2697 May 06, 2020 04:02 PM by Spence [SOLVED] How to have one query that all other tiles in a Portal use Brandon Andrathy 2 1873 May 06, 2020 03:58 PM by Brandon Andrathy [CLOSED] Screen location Donal Mattimoe 5 1987 May 05, 2020 08:27 PM by Hallway [CLOSED] Link to webpage from Excel Jveselka 7 2167 May 05, 2020 08:12 PM by Hallway [CLOSED] InfoAssist n BI-Summary and Detail presentation, a working strategy, please? Manoj 6 2303 May 05, 2020 05:01 PM by Manoj [SOLVED] Chaining Controls - Multiple Input dburton 19 9799 May 05, 2020 01:33 PM by Emily Lee [Case Opened] ReportCaster - Unable to Connect to Host Port. David Briars 2 1382 May 01, 2020 12:01 PM by FP Mod Chuck [CLOSED] Access Denied Requests TexasStingray 1 1357 April 30, 2020 12:17 PM by FP Mod Chuck [CLOSED] Maximizing Bar Chart AMC2 3 1626 April 30, 2020 11:45 AM by AMC2 [SOLVED] Underlining a Report Column Across the Entire Row AMC2 27 4630 April 29, 2020 02:10 PM by AMC2 [SOLVED] InfoAssist: How to get runtime row sequence number and filter it? Manoj 2 1768 April 29, 2020 12:55 PM by Manoj [CLOSED] Hold file consuming a large amount of disk space Developer 8 2623 April 29, 2020 10:28 AM by FP Mod Chuck [CLOSED] Javascript - Identify page of a portal Brandon Andrathy 3 1676 April 29, 2020 04:39 AM by Tony A [CLOSED] Compound Rpt : Issue while adding constant value to position of components. srajeevan 6 1891 April 27, 2020 09:22 AM by srajeevan [CLOSED] Chart Issue rnichols 1 1526 April 24, 2020 12:52 PM by FP Mod Chuck [SOLVED] PDF drilldown in edge Pam Kratt 4 1570 April 23, 2020 03:46 PM by Pam Kratt [Submitting NFR] SAVE AS "Name" S.J. Kadish 10 3380 April 23, 2020 02:37 PM by John_Edwards [SOLVED] How to Repeat a Value for each row FOCdeveloper 4 2324 April 23, 2020 11:27 AM by Hallway [SOLVED] Appear Content in ToolTip without hoveing over the graph YY 2 1713 April 22, 2020 06:05 PM by Hallway [SOLVED] Adding a Print Button to a Page Delana Pellerin 7 3382 April 22, 2020 12:13 PM by vaayu [SOLVED]how to calculate the week of the month Trudy 11 8413 April 21, 2020 01:55 PM by dbeagan [CLOSED] Hyperlinks on HTML File in 8.2.04M Cause AppStudio to Spin JulieA 1 1258 April 20, 2020 03:18 PM by MartinY [CLOSED] Prevent trimming of trailing spaces? Wep5622 8 2819 April 20, 2020 11:54 AM by Wep5622 [CLOSED] how DATECVT work? nox 3 2080 April 20, 2020 10:02 AM by dbeagan [SOLVED] FOC1400 on creating synonym for stored procedure Martin vK 6 2471 April 19, 2020 02:17 AM by Martin vK [SOLVED] Page Designer AMC2 2 1316 April 18, 2020 10:48 PM by AMC2 [CLOSED] Line becomes a dot Shingles 7 2453 April 18, 2020 01:52 PM by Hallway [CLOSED] Date on the Horizontal Axis of Bar Chart AMC2 13 2587 April 18, 2020 12:38 PM by Doug [CLOSED]Cant get results (format = TX) to feed through to my report, do I need DEFINE RC@WB 1 1233 April 16, 2020 04:01 PM by MartinY [CLOSED] Who knows what the field RELNAME in SYSCOLUM is for? jnc 3 1646 April 16, 2020 11:31 AM by FP Mod Chuck [SOLVED] Create synonym via JDBC adapter to AWS Cloud Redshift is failing Rajna Nannat 9 3206 April 16, 2020 10:44 AM by FP Mod Chuck [CLOSED] (FOC015) THE TEST VALUE IS LONGER THAN THE FIELD FORMAT LENGTH Div 3 1955 April 15, 2020 07:46 AM by MartinY [CLOSED] Calender Chaining Krishna.edara 11 2608 April 14, 2020 05:49 PM by FP Mod Chuck [CLOSED] Combine multiple reports into one excel report Gagan Marwah 3 1441 April 14, 2020 03:54 PM by Waz [CLOSED] how to comment out line(s) in SQL ? Tomsweb 6 2304 April 14, 2020 10:14 AM by Tomsweb [SOLVED]Why WebFOCUS Forum Discussions on Focal Point have (always?) report code? Manoj 12 2662 April 14, 2020 07:32 AM by dbeagan [SOLVED] Graph Header min max dates devr 3 1751 April 13, 2020 10:02 AM by devr [SOLVED] Area Graph Break sherrihe 2 1382 April 10, 2020 04:22 PM by Doug [SOLVED] Hide a BY column based on process data MartinY 6 1950 April 10, 2020 09:58 AM by MartinY [SOLVED] dialog manager help with amper variables leo13 2 1323 April 09, 2020 07:15 PM by Hallway [SOLVED] sql report declare connection attributes Tomsweb 3 1347 April 09, 2020 05:04 PM by Hallway [CLOSED] One Drill Option to Execute Two Different Options in Different Targets Amber 1 1211 April 09, 2020 04:05 PM by vaayu [SOLVED]Adding image to graph/chart footer rkiran1 2 1261 April 09, 2020 02:55 PM by rkiran1 [SOLVED] Report with 100% WIDTH WebFOCUS_Dev 3 1845 April 09, 2020 07:31 AM by atul [CLOSED] Dynamic String along with DataLabel in the Bar Graph srajeevan 0 1069 April 08, 2020 08:09 PM [SOLVED] Remove Order and Group by Clause Generated by IBI from SQL Brandon Andrathy 13 2918 April 08, 2020 11:48 AM by jgelona [CLOSED]Javascript - Sending Array of Values in Portal Page Berny 5 1860 April 07, 2020 04:09 PM by Waz [CLOSED] WF Designer Vs App Studio vaayu 2 1550 April 06, 2020 12:02 PM by Frans [CLOSED] PDF Report- TABHEADING Line width srajeevan 2 1405 April 06, 2020 10:08 AM by srajeevan [SOLVED] reportcaster burst on email address (sort field) leo13 1 1137 April 03, 2020 05:05 PM by FP Mod Chuck [Solved] Do Left Outer Joins still work in WebFOCUS? John_Edwards 15 5060 April 02, 2020 03:16 PM by Danny-SRL [CLOSED] Styling the Slider Shingles 11 2546 April 02, 2020 12:17 PM by Tony A [Solved] Daily Sales Charg - Roll Saturday and Sunday into Friday noleary 5 1703 April 02, 2020 10:46 AM by Tony A [CLOSED] Can a developer back up his/her own reports, pages, portals? Manoj 6 1929 April 02, 2020 06:37 AM by Frans [SOLVED] Receiving Error: Join FROM Fields belong to different segments Brandon Andrathy 6 1752 April 01, 2020 09:09 AM by Brandon Andrathy [CLOSED] Graph BarChart Legend Labels Truncating Starr 2 1433 April 01, 2020 07:27 AM by dbeagan [CLOSED] Import From Excel File With Merged Cells John_Edwards 9 1827 March 31, 2020 03:24 PM by John_Edwards [Solved]where is warm.sty located in Appstudio? WFDevConsultant 5 2109 March 31, 2020 02:52 PM by WFDevConsultant [SOLVED] Report Caster With Excel output not sending email Rozalind 8 2555 March 31, 2020 07:17 AM by StuBouyer [CLOSED] Can not Send out a Report in Report Caster Guang 2 1606 March 31, 2020 07:09 AM by StuBouyer [CLOSED] RESTful API and PostMan Lusheng 2 1157 March 30, 2020 04:46 PM by Lusheng [CLOSED] Javascript - Get Parameter from and Use it In Fex Brandon Andrathy 10 2765 March 30, 2020 02:49 PM by Brandon Andrathy [SOLVED] How to ignore a WHERE condition inside an IA report for particular measure? Manoj 2 1283 March 30, 2020 11:30 AM by Manoj [SOLVED] Time as measure (y axis) and day as dimension (x axis) rkiran1 6 2227 March 30, 2020 09:44 AM by David Briars [CLOSED] How to begin PDF overflow page down 1inch from the top? nickz 1 1368 March 27, 2020 04:01 PM by FP Mod Chuck [SOLVED]How to make the Hyperlink Work NewBee...WF8 4 1535 March 26, 2020 10:46 AM by NewBee...WF8 [SOLVED]Computing totals nickz 4 1635 March 24, 2020 11:39 AM by nickz [SOLVED] text output not aligning properly sumant 9 1650 March 23, 2020 04:38 PM by sumant [CLOSED] Adding filters to the responsive design template BI Dev 8 2850 March 23, 2020 03:29 PM by MartinY [CLOSED] Use drop down value in new procedure Mathijs 10 2173 March 23, 2020 11:01 AM by FP Mod Chuck