Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post Failure to connect from ASP.NET page using iWay client marnixR 1 5955 May 10, 2010 04:00 AM by marnixR Error saving transformation file cokeyng 4 6319 April 29, 2010 05:24 PM by Nan [Solved]Resource Analyzer: SMUSERID value in SMRPCS and SMQUERY wdusbank 1 5552 April 27, 2010 03:57 PM by Kerry [Solved]Resource Analyzer: SMRPCNAME & SMWFRPCNAME field values wdusbank 1 5665 April 27, 2010 03:54 PM by Kerry is there any example of using Geocoder or Google Map WS in Server Manager? cokeyng 2 5302 April 23, 2010 11:01 AM by cokeyng Is there a way to use XSLT for transformation rather than the iWay's functions? cokeyng 2 5917 April 21, 2010 11:08 AM by cokeyng Data Migrator ray_In_Vancouver 1 5170 April 20, 2010 04:58 AM by Dan Satchell Using NVL sql function in MRE WF- problems vkrugman 1 5913 April 19, 2010 02:14 PM by Dan Satchell is there any example of using Geocoder or Google Map WS in Service Manager? cokeyng 3 55264 April 17, 2010 08:30 AM by ray_In_Vancouver Geocoding Data gweller 4 7946 April 13, 2010 05:19 AM by Frans I can not find the QA Agent to install. ray_In_Vancouver 1 4925 April 08, 2010 02:10 AM by RivoU PGP Encryption Pascal Bellerose 1 5068 April 04, 2010 06:34 AM by RivoU Fixing an IF statement Max Nevill 7 7312 March 24, 2010 05:22 PM by Waz Log files in a Real Time (or close to) Environment Deanna Dobson 2 5198 March 18, 2010 04:04 PM by Deanna Dobson Question on the edaenv.cfg file. TomG 1 6131 March 18, 2010 02:44 PM by Kerry The iWay Data-Quality Challenge Kerry 0 4877 March 15, 2010 01:15 PM Data Migrator -- How do I get a count AFTER the join? John_Edwards 1 5145 March 10, 2010 10:37 AM by John_Edwards How to use File listener inside Direct load flow - to link a process flow selva ganapathy 1 5340 March 09, 2010 10:03 AM by Clif Resource Analyzer: Drop and Creating table queries not captured wdusbank 1 5154 March 03, 2010 02:47 PM by Kerry Getting a value from an instantiated java class being called from a stored procedure. TomG 1 5144 March 03, 2010 02:36 PM by Kerry Data Profiling On Demand Webcast now available Kerry 0 4650 February 22, 2010 02:15 PM MDBMS to RDBMS Sim Na 1 5511 February 16, 2010 03:26 PM by Kerry [SOLVED] Filter value with "&" Gavin 2 5896 February 10, 2010 06:24 PM by Gavin Adding Time-Date stamp in Oracle Mark Kinsey 2 5520 February 09, 2010 04:56 PM by Mark Kinsey [SOLVED] Calling a java class from a stored procedure. TomG 7 8003 February 09, 2010 12:36 PM by mtguy Start a flow from a different reporting server ShawnS 2 5820 February 09, 2010 09:05 AM by ShawnS custom line count (field = last field + 1) doesn't work in Data Mig ? ShawnS 4 5941 January 28, 2010 10:33 AM by Clif Data Migrator Backups bcook278 1 5035 January 26, 2010 12:02 PM by Kerry Scheduler Configuration in DMC Craig 2 5740 January 21, 2010 03:35 PM by Clif Converting From JD Edwards Century Julian to Gregorian Craig 5 8395 January 21, 2010 07:42 AM by trob SHARE DIRECTORY FOR DM bcook278 1 5855 January 19, 2010 12:54 PM by Kerry [SHARING] Datamigrator Performances on ISeries (IBMi or AS/400) Pascal Bellerose 1 5018 January 19, 2010 11:34 AM by Pascal Bellerose Upcoming iWay Expert Webinar Series Kerry 0 4508 January 14, 2010 11:25 AM Deleting some rows from a table. TomG 5 7247 January 08, 2010 01:45 PM by TomG Dimension Modeling Tutorials WFConsultant 1 5333 December 16, 2009 04:18 PM by Kerry Design patterns and DMC. TomG 6 7038 December 13, 2009 08:08 AM by Dan Satchell Check out the Winter 2009/2010 edition of the iWay Newsletter, our debut issue! Kerry 0 4647 December 09, 2009 04:47 PM EDI 997 Katmando 1 5257 December 01, 2009 10:50 AM by <nklamen> [SOLVED] Job Scheduler simply says NO John_Edwards 8 7390 December 01, 2009 10:43 AM by Jessica Bottone No Logs Returned T.Peters 1 5084 November 26, 2009 12:46 PM by Jessica Bottone Configure adapter of DM for MySQL Gavin 1 7142 November 12, 2009 01:17 PM by Gavin CMRun error John Wong 3 6601 November 05, 2009 05:33 PM by John Wong Failed RC = 439 FrankDutch 3 5408 November 05, 2009 01:19 PM by FrankDutch Multiple environments. TomG 4 5817 November 05, 2009 10:07 AM by Clif Just Released! Read the new iWay Newsletter! Kerry 0 4826 October 23, 2009 02:00 PM Storing results of HOLD FILES in variables Abhi85 1 5095 October 23, 2009 11:02 AM by jodye Using (Bulk load utility via disk file) Mload to load Teradata table using DMC selva ganapathy 1 5507 October 22, 2009 04:55 PM by Marina Problem Using DB_LOOKUP and RC = 18708 awendt 3 12730 October 16, 2009 10:15 AM by Clif COBOL OCCURS DEPENDING ON in transformer tool AdeH 7 9659 October 13, 2009 03:40 AM by AdeH XML In database ray_In_Vancouver 1 5191 October 10, 2009 04:21 PM by RivoU Converting a numeric field to a time field. TomG 1 5146 October 06, 2009 11:19 AM by jgelona iSM deadletters Pascal Bellerose 2 6179 October 01, 2009 10:22 AM by Pascal Bellerose Updating source to indicate successful insert in DM T.Peters 3 5425 September 30, 2009 11:01 AM by Tobar Report Caster & Sharepoint Kathy P 1 5114 September 25, 2009 10:04 AM by Kerry IB UK Customers day AdeH 2 4796 September 25, 2009 04:19 AM by AdeH ISERIES - DATASOURCE IS NOT UNIQUE USING DB2 CONNECT bcook278 1 5346 September 21, 2009 01:20 PM by Kerry Data Quality Center Sefton 1 4977 September 16, 2009 09:08 AM by Ismael Connection issues when running a data flow. TomG 5 7651 September 09, 2009 11:46 AM by Kerry [WORKAROUND] Monitor iWay Channels Pascal Bellerose 3 9128 September 08, 2009 05:01 PM by Pascal Bellerose [SOLVED] ISeries spooled files linked to Datamigrator's jobs Pascal Bellerose 3 7911 September 08, 2009 05:00 PM by Pascal Bellerose WAR deployment logging into STDOUT of Tomcat server Pascal Bellerose 0 4351 September 08, 2009 02:48 PM SET NODATA=(NODATA) not working Pascal Bellerose 0 5161 August 25, 2009 03:37 PM rename element in xml ray_In_Vancouver 12 9549 August 21, 2009 04:44 PM by ray_In_Vancouver count in Xpath not working. ray_In_Vancouver 5 8164 August 20, 2009 11:32 PM by ray_In_Vancouver Configure Reporting Server to print special characters Renee C 1 5707 August 20, 2009 05:49 PM by Kerry Create zip file inside a channel <pharris> 3 5617 August 20, 2009 08:29 AM by RivoU [SOLVED] Current Date Minus x DAYS bcook278 4 55238 August 19, 2009 06:29 AM by bcook278 [SOLVED] Service Manager ray_In_Vancouver 2 5744 August 18, 2009 01:14 PM by ray_In_Vancouver {solved}concatenation of row values and store into one row in dmc thenmozhi 2 5318 August 10, 2009 10:44 AM by Clif [CLOSED] SQL Object run file with dynamic name Tobar 2 5585 August 06, 2009 08:15 AM by Tobar MySQL JDBC Connector Performance Issues bcook278 2 10801 August 05, 2009 03:37 PM by RivoU (FOC14006) - Data Migrator T.Peters 2 5803 August 05, 2009 12:20 PM by T.Peters Issue with mapping long charachers F-One 1 4939 August 04, 2009 01:04 PM by Kerry [Resolved] Remove channels from "Deploy" list Tobar 3 5306 August 03, 2009 04:01 PM by Tobar [CLOSED] help interpretting error Tobar 4 5512 July 31, 2009 01:51 PM by Tobar [Closed] iWay technical documentation Tobar 1 4853 July 28, 2009 11:51 AM by Tobar Formating output of DM flow jim99 2 5315 July 27, 2009 01:36 PM by LarryC iWay Expert Sessions Webinars Kerry 0 4530 July 22, 2009 01:03 PM DMC and STAR SCHEMAS bcook278 2 8426 July 19, 2009 11:26 AM by Endre SCD flow in DMC taking extremely long jgolden 4 6402 July 11, 2009 09:23 PM by Endre SQL statement that doesn't work in Datamigrator Nordin Ben Ahmed 8 8189 July 08, 2009 09:47 AM by Nordin Ben Ahmed Unable to create synonym for i-series logical file (index) based over an sql table. TomG 1 5628 July 07, 2009 05:21 PM by Kerry Run ETLCRTLS from a command prompt Pascal Bellerose 1 5822 July 03, 2009 10:38 AM by thenmozhi DBA property in synonym editor toolbar thenmozhi 1 5120 June 29, 2009 08:39 AM by T.Peters Multiple "Logical Key" fields jgolden 3 7007 June 26, 2009 03:43 AM by thenmozhi Preventing the writing of column headers to a flat file. TomG 2 5313 June 25, 2009 10:28 AM by TomG iSM upgrade from 5.5 to 5.6 Pascal Bellerose 3 5390 June 25, 2009 08:41 AM by FinSource Can not delete rows from a target in iDM process? ESky 5 6265 June 23, 2009 01:44 PM by ESky Using a stored procedure to select a column from a table. TomG 2 5884 June 22, 2009 08:49 AM by TomG Determining Week of Year using Data Management Console Kent Thibault 3 5857 June 17, 2009 11:08 AM by Kent Thibault iWay Service Manager - Email object ESky 7 10555 June 17, 2009 10:44 AM by thenmozhi SET ASNAMES not working if using MYSQL database <Allen Richardson> 4 8805 June 15, 2009 04:44 PM by Frans [Solved] Data Migrator - Generate a sequence number JL 4 7672 June 12, 2009 08:00 AM by JL how to get pflow name in "sub" pflow Tsepe 2 5779 June 11, 2009 08:24 AM by <nklamen> ftp'ing a flat file. TomG 3 6464 June 09, 2009 01:02 PM by TomG edaprint.log for data migrator Shirley 1 4856 June 05, 2009 10:43 AM by Kerry Difference between DMC and iWay Service Manager <Satya> 4 6617 June 02, 2009 02:24 PM by Kerry DM Schedule Logs Stuck in DFM_DIR bcook278 4 6220 May 20, 2009 09:10 AM by bcook278 (SOLVED) calling ETL flow in HTML layout painter Shruthi Joshi 5 6379 April 28, 2009 09:15 AM by Shruthi Joshi IWAY Service Manager 5.5 - Email Listener Capturing the attachment name Don Garland 1 6002 April 27, 2009 11:30 AM by Darksider