Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post [SOLVED] Count blanks in a string Tomsweb 12 7122 October 03, 2008 12:35 AM by Charlz [SOLVED] problem with alpha text file wrapping data Selena B 6 3419 October 02, 2008 05:33 PM by Darin Lee [WORKAROUND] Execute batch file in fex (map to UNIX directory) klongid 3 3415 October 02, 2008 05:21 PM by klongid [Solved] Passing parms to a Maintan Dave Ayers 11 4553 October 02, 2008 04:19 PM by Dave Ayers [SOLVED] How do I "un-skew" data in a report? webmeister 13 5135 October 02, 2008 02:28 PM by webmeister [SOLVED] Burst a compound Excel report Geoff Fish 4 2926 October 02, 2008 02:14 PM by Geoff Fish [SOLVED] Postscript printing 3RDCC 3 3232 October 02, 2008 01:56 PM by 3RDCC [SOLVED] Issues when creating the Active HTML Reports Poongs 5 4107 October 02, 2008 11:25 AM by Kerry Opinions needed: reporting server OS, Solaris or Red Hat Ronald Grim 1 1714 October 02, 2008 10:48 AM by <JG> [SOLVED] Reportcaster schedule information ira 5 3444 October 02, 2008 10:46 AM by GinnyJakes [SOLVED] GRAPH WITH FIELD MISSING expertomad 6 2501 October 02, 2008 10:13 AM by expertomad [SOLVED] FOC303 error message Kirk 2 3826 October 02, 2008 10:00 AM by j.gross [SOLVED] Another EXL2K Image question... Anatess 8 3339 October 02, 2008 09:04 AM by GinnyJakes [SOLVED] Populate listbox with .fex Shirley 9 4439 October 02, 2008 07:17 AM by GamP [SOLVED] ReportCaster schedule thru Maintain Jeeva 1 1861 October 02, 2008 04:47 AM by GamP [SOLVED] Exiting a Maintain Application in a Dashboard Anatess 1 1780 October 02, 2008 04:20 AM by GamP [SOLVED] manual chaining Donald 4 4734 October 02, 2008 02:12 AM by Tony A Columns to Rows - SQL vs WebFOCUS Francis Mariani 7 7103 October 01, 2008 06:21 PM by Waz Heading cut off Stan 3 1943 October 01, 2008 04:22 PM by Francis Mariani [SOLVED] Date format for DD MMM YY EdG 13 10179 October 01, 2008 01:40 PM by Francis Mariani [SOLVED] MORE Command on AS400 PBrightwell 6 4674 October 01, 2008 12:33 PM by PBrightwell [SOLVED] Weird behaviour in WF 7.6 Martin_fmi 8 2891 October 01, 2008 12:03 PM by Martin_fmi [SOLVED] text box in a fex Donald 22 6812 October 01, 2008 12:01 PM by EWoerle [SOLVED] Add Dummy Column in EXL2k Tomsweb 2 3829 October 01, 2008 11:35 AM by GinnyJakes [SOLVED] regarding currency conversion <swapna> 4 2324 October 01, 2008 09:45 AM by GinnyJakes [SOLVED] User, Group and Domain Information Dan Stoll 4 3388 October 01, 2008 09:13 AM by Dan Stoll [SOLVED] regarding pivot chart <swapna> 2 2549 October 01, 2008 08:57 AM by Tony A [SOLVED] Column-Total Suji 6 3951 October 01, 2008 07:00 AM by <JG> [SOLVED] Reporting from XML stored in a text column gweller 2 4653 October 01, 2008 06:52 AM by <JG> [SOLVED] Webfocus is not W3C complaint PRAKASH N V 4 2932 October 01, 2008 03:37 AM by <JG> Plot area of graph Beth 1 1968 September 30, 2008 10:06 PM by Doug User input data to a Focus Database Daren 4 2755 September 30, 2008 05:38 PM by Waz [SOLVED] WF Maintain grids and ActiveX control Jeeva 2 4011 September 30, 2008 04:34 PM by Jeeva Convert an Excel to a CSV/ Read data directly from Excel file (not CSV) Ved 4 3709 September 30, 2008 10:50 AM by PBrightwell [SOLVED] Trying to print a flat file of text cburtt 7 3426 September 30, 2008 09:47 AM by cburtt Passing control from one fex to another Ranjana 3 2244 September 30, 2008 08:59 AM by Rhonda Column Total - Percentages <Vinod> 11 4509 September 30, 2008 03:17 AM by Piipster Creating a Pipe Delimited File including Headers and Footers Doresa Ibrahim 4 8639 September 30, 2008 02:47 AM by <JG> [SOLVED] How to concatenate strings with single quote (apostrophe) bug 12 38206 September 30, 2008 02:22 AM by <JG> [Solved] Select data with WHERE comparing date to today Daren 2 1981 September 29, 2008 03:47 PM by Daren [SOLVED] Single-user WebFOCUS/ActiveDirectory Problem. cburtt 3 2774 September 29, 2008 02:04 PM by cburtt SPEAKERS Stefaans 0 1644 September 29, 2008 01:15 PM Compound PDF Question Don Robison 4 2398 September 29, 2008 11:33 AM by Darin Lee [solved] prompting pre-calculated values Hua 10 3809 September 29, 2008 11:10 AM by Hua Printing Database Schemas/Table listing Jeff_Rowland 8 5768 September 29, 2008 10:50 AM by Jeff_Rowland Best print option for multipage reports gabby 4 2653 September 29, 2008 10:08 AM by PBrightwell Problem in calaulating percentage Manish 9 3974 September 29, 2008 09:08 AM by mgrackin Drilldown not working in graph when output as PDF PRAKASH N V 5 3019 September 29, 2008 06:34 AM by FrankDutch Passing <!--WEBFOCUS TABLE XXX--> Lloyd 1 2152 September 29, 2008 02:06 AM by Tony A The end of civilization? Francis Mariani 18 5036 September 28, 2008 08:54 PM by Doug Output in two file formats Vasantha kumar 4 2529 September 28, 2008 08:55 AM by FrankDutch Maintain is hanging Dashboard's logout John_Edwards 7 3667 September 27, 2008 08:57 PM by jbond007 [SOLVED] acrossvalue width Bethany 4 2460 September 26, 2008 03:47 PM by Bethany How do i find the averags in descending order <Vinod> 2 2689 September 26, 2008 10:29 AM by GamP Removing page-breaks in a table request Mighty Max 8 3297 September 26, 2008 10:01 AM by Tony A Not exactly a subfoot , not exactly a subhead Martin_fmi 6 2963 September 26, 2008 09:47 AM by GinnyJakes Possible Error in Graph Coding PRAKASH N V 1 1840 September 26, 2008 05:10 AM by Waz How to display the dates before 1900 in Excel Narayana 4 5496 September 26, 2008 03:12 AM by nubi [SOLVED] Access database (FOC1400 error) Luminita 5 4533 September 25, 2008 03:44 PM by GinnyJakes Checking Embeded SQL Lou DeTota 1 2509 September 25, 2008 03:44 PM by Francis Mariani Count Distinct Joan Williamson-Kelly 1 4383 September 25, 2008 03:21 PM by j.gross [SOLVED] passing parameters fram .asp page Donald 6 3147 September 25, 2008 01:46 PM by Francis Mariani How do I create a Define with a amper variable? Roxanna 9 4215 September 25, 2008 01:04 PM by GinnyJakes [SOLVED] $ in fieldname sosterle 7 3647 September 25, 2008 11:38 AM by j.gross rc dist lists vs. dynamic dist lists... manual puzzle susannah 6 3287 September 25, 2008 10:27 AM by Gerry [SOLVED] WebFOCUS SQL Traces - Generated SQL not compatible with MS SQL Server Francis Mariani 2 3150 September 25, 2008 10:01 AM by Francis Mariani What's the best way to include an HTML table of results in forum hammo1j 3 1999 September 25, 2008 09:23 AM by Tony A Documentation requiring revision in 76 hammo1j 5 2765 September 25, 2008 08:28 AM by hammo1j [SOLVED] Difference between &LINES and &RECORDS Narayana 7 4486 September 25, 2008 06:26 AM by Narayana HIde Calender Controll in HTML Layout Painter souji 4 2627 September 25, 2008 02:30 AM by Tony A Graph output format as PDF,EXCEL,POWERPOINT when prompting the output format. Janakiraman 3 3202 September 25, 2008 02:11 AM by Janakiraman Default Browser in Developer Studio / CSS file location <SJJustin89> 4 4384 September 24, 2008 10:22 PM by Brian Suter How to Use where condition in a IF Statement ? Rekha 7 6064 September 24, 2008 10:09 PM by Brian Suter [SOLVED by IB] Documentation for sharing reports in Dashboard ChannyS 1 1794 September 24, 2008 09:50 PM by Brian Suter [SOL] How many WF clients (on different servers) can you have pointing to 1 WF Server NySpiro 9 3596 September 24, 2008 08:54 PM by Brian Suter [SOLVED] How to add spaces between the columns in the "Across" statement? Learner 21 12165 September 24, 2008 06:19 PM by Learner [SOLVED?] Need Help Understading Differing Aggregate Results Dan Pinault 5 3467 September 24, 2008 04:45 PM by Dan Pinault Webviewer Report Frame Reused By Other Reports Dan Pinault 2 2288 September 24, 2008 04:12 PM by Dan Pinault Maintain-Valid credentials are required for server: EDASERVE <Vijaya_settu> 1 2828 September 24, 2008 04:03 PM by GinnyJakes [SOLVED] Extract remaining charcters from alpha string Tomsweb 4 3156 September 24, 2008 04:01 PM by GinnyJakes Will HTMLFORMTYPE support EXL2K ? saikumar 1 2161 September 24, 2008 03:21 PM by <JG> [SOLVED] file errors expertomad 26 6962 September 24, 2008 01:01 PM by Tony A Last MasterFile Name Dave Kempin 1 1591 September 24, 2008 12:32 PM by TexasStingray Interactive Map of U.S. using Visual Discovery <Pants> 3 2275 September 24, 2008 11:46 AM by <Pants> [SOLVED] MR Admin ChannyS 9 3477 September 24, 2008 09:31 AM by PBrightwell Upgradation from 5.3.2 to 7.1.4 Chirag 1 1697 September 24, 2008 09:20 AM by GinnyJakes Report Caster - APP PATH workaround Syed 25 9521 September 24, 2008 07:40 AM by Martin_fmi [SOLVED] Parameter driven HTMLFORM in MRE <Jochem> 8 3999 September 24, 2008 05:44 AM by <Jochem> capturing echoed code from message viewer JohnB 1 1811 September 24, 2008 03:23 AM by GamP Accordion data row align when using columnstoopen <dksib> 4 2500 September 23, 2008 07:02 PM by susannah GRAPH file ?; linetypes solid dotted dashed Page 1 2 susannah 37 39720 September 23, 2008 05:24 PM by Doug FML formatting question Bethany 6 3207 September 23, 2008 04:35 PM by LEX-IA How do i get a by to line up across instead of down Nelsont 10 6748 September 23, 2008 03:33 PM by Darin Lee Help with pivot tabels Don Robison 1 2116 September 23, 2008 12:09 PM by Darin Lee WebFOCUS Quiz Thread Page 1 2 hammo1j 32 12564 September 23, 2008 10:47 AM by GinnyJakes Page Break when using HTMLFORM atc12345 4 2784 September 23, 2008 10:04 AM by Francis Mariani Cant find the link atc12345 3 1844 September 23, 2008 09:01 AM by PBrightwell how to display total count value of field in graph as first series sure 5 3926 September 23, 2008 08:44 AM by GamP Help with Report Caster purging process <Shyam L> 3 1929 September 23, 2008 08:36 AM by <Shyam L> API for setting eMail notification in ReportCaster when the distribution mode is FTP Fazlina 2 1979 September 23, 2008 01:45 AM by Fazlina