Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post Graph Saving SVG issue <ludo> 21 6314 June 27, 2008 08:13 AM by susannah PDF Footer Character Trim issue [SOLVED] nubi 8 3487 June 27, 2008 08:10 AM by mgrackin FML Report with addtional detail Bethany 1 1803 June 27, 2008 02:21 AM by Tony A HELP! Convert amper date to 'Jun 25, 2008' format Richie 3 3476 June 26, 2008 06:32 PM by Waz Conditional styling Geoff Fish 4 2774 June 26, 2008 03:25 PM by Darin Lee Join error <Lee Roper> 7 7336 June 26, 2008 02:33 PM by AFS-Skier Obtain current project/app folder value in Maintain or Javascript function J. Erickson 3 3190 June 26, 2008 12:25 PM by J. Erickson STYLESHEET: lower case font overlayed below the line KenFR 3 2209 June 26, 2008 10:45 AM by Danny-SRL excel2k 65,536 rows Pam Kratt 5 2585 June 26, 2008 07:25 AM by Pam Kratt Problem with ACROSS and Excel Output Rob M. 7 2886 June 26, 2008 04:10 AM by Danny-SRL Moving .FOC files Lpitt 9 4925 June 25, 2008 10:09 PM by j.gross DYNAM CONCAT rb4u 15 6184 June 25, 2008 06:35 PM by Waz Including a field with only a certain selection criteria type prodrigu 9 3466 June 25, 2008 05:57 PM by prodrigu [CODE] Daylight Savings Time Function mgrackin 0 2289 June 25, 2008 05:49 PM Report Painter Fucntion seadog 5 2757 June 25, 2008 03:36 PM by seadog Define INNER/OUTER JOINS Tom Neumann 14 14176 June 25, 2008 02:10 PM by Charlz Excel output Michael Simon 2 2379 June 25, 2008 12:43 PM by Michael Simon change default value from number type to char type JZMSH 6 2578 June 25, 2008 11:35 AM by JZMSH Trailing blank spaces issue in some data arvind 5 3283 June 25, 2008 10:42 AM by arvind VLOOKUP using xls created by WebFOCUS linus 9 4859 June 25, 2008 09:13 AM by PBrightwell Join Efficiency Glenda 8 3061 June 25, 2008 09:05 AM by PBrightwell Passing a set variable to an sqlout query? Erney 12 6640 June 25, 2008 08:48 AM by PBrightwell set emptyreport = on not working for me :( arvind 17 6099 June 25, 2008 05:40 AM by Tony A FOC258 error when using Multi Drill Paths jr_pbi 1 3048 June 24, 2008 03:29 PM by Tom Flynn URL Error <AdeshRai> 3 2167 June 24, 2008 02:25 PM by <AdeshRai> Synonym: Delimited flat file records cut short RPond 9 5998 June 24, 2008 12:55 PM by RPond ACROSS and BY styling Luminita 3 2304 June 24, 2008 11:08 AM by Luminita Removing $ masking behaviour dcj 3 2222 June 24, 2008 10:55 AM by dcj FOC03690 Maintain Error <Vijaya_settu> 8 3802 June 24, 2008 10:11 AM by <Vijaya_settu> how to read a text file into excel output via webfocus lanjun 6 3464 June 24, 2008 08:51 AM by PBrightwell Vertical Lines between two columns (format PDF , 'OVER' keyword) Prasadbollam 2 2824 June 24, 2008 08:39 AM by <Naak> Compound Reports in EXL2K format Prasadbollam 2 2274 June 24, 2008 07:36 AM by <Naak> Subtotal / grant total / summary of a repoprt Navaneeth 5 3413 June 23, 2008 06:05 PM by Danny-SRL How to Activate an External Index Ronn 4 4169 June 23, 2008 05:59 PM by BarbaraA file names in deferred screen Prasanna 2 2073 June 23, 2008 04:58 PM by Sayed subtotal Navaneeth 1 1929 June 23, 2008 03:59 PM by Darin Lee Customized grouping. Navaneeth 2 1829 June 23, 2008 03:48 PM by Navaneeth add space between Pie graph title and pie chart filler text yogi 4 6686 June 23, 2008 03:06 PM by bcowley order of the controls in launch page JohnB 2 1870 June 23, 2008 12:34 PM by JohnB problem with wrapping - it splits the data <Barry> 6 2828 June 23, 2008 12:16 PM by mgrackin How to get user id using javascript Learner 11 12230 June 23, 2008 11:59 AM by Lucas Sending cancellation request to Webfocus reporting server <Bhuvaneswari> 1 1892 June 23, 2008 11:21 AM by Darin Lee [SOLVED] WebFOCUS - Where to begin? webmeister 7 4981 June 23, 2008 11:16 AM by Ronald Grim Run a Data Process In "Batch" Mode from a Web Page? John_Edwards 9 3573 June 23, 2008 10:55 AM by cburtt Blank line at the top of my output Don Robison 9 4009 June 23, 2008 10:40 AM by cburtt Framework in Webfocus Gobinath Velusamy 6 2672 June 23, 2008 06:41 AM by nubi Pass a single parameter from drop down box to more than one fex in HTML layout MIN27 10 7893 June 23, 2008 06:03 AM by MIN27 SOC4 Raja 8 11256 June 22, 2008 11:58 PM by Waz converting alpa w/padded zeroes to Decimal KenFR 8 3026 June 22, 2008 11:30 PM by susannah Across Reporting JOE 5 2834 June 22, 2008 04:42 AM by Danny-SRL Moving columns closer together JohnB 2 2996 June 21, 2008 04:13 PM by Danny-SRL WebFocus Data Server agent user BIGuru 4 2590 June 20, 2008 03:09 PM by BIGuru Report Caster - How to date stamp the file name of your email distributed files trob 1 5302 June 20, 2008 12:47 PM by trob Displaying negative number data in bar graphs fex08 4 2452 June 20, 2008 12:26 PM by fex08 OLAP philippe@Nantes 2 2058 June 20, 2008 10:52 AM by philippe@Nantes Shared DevStudio on Citrix cburtt 5 2778 June 20, 2008 09:34 AM by cburtt ranking data on a graph bc 4 2665 June 20, 2008 08:46 AM by PBrightwell We're upgrading from 5.3.4 to 7.6.5 any thoughts/tips appreciated! mark66 5 2518 June 20, 2008 08:43 AM by PBrightwell BIUC01 Server crash??? arvind 15 5091 June 20, 2008 07:46 AM by arvind Done Populating Status Bar Message Dan Pinault 1 1836 June 20, 2008 04:25 AM by GamP MATCH FILE : OLD-NOR-NEW Sayed 2 6122 June 19, 2008 04:02 PM by Sayed [SOLVED] How to position a header in Excel. Pku 11 6928 June 19, 2008 03:05 PM by Pku passing multiselect to sql davmayf 1 2110 June 19, 2008 02:43 PM by GinnyJakes Repost caster TASK Error dreddy_23 2 2549 June 19, 2008 01:03 PM by Leah Report Caster Scheduling Navaneeth 2 2860 June 19, 2008 11:57 AM by Navaneeth pagination for report output displayed in a frame ( HTML Format) arvind 6 5417 June 19, 2008 10:12 AM by arvind NULL VALUES - SILLY QUESTION arvind 5 3839 June 19, 2008 10:10 AM by arvind Remove trailling spaces from a local variable in focus 7.2.2 brian_lewis67 15 9971 June 19, 2008 09:38 AM by PBrightwell Coordinated report fails when one of the reports does not have data shravan 21 5525 June 18, 2008 10:48 PM by Waz Need Details on the FOCUS Conversion function DDRNBDF rb4u 4 2499 June 18, 2008 06:55 PM by Waz SUBFOOT and PRINTPLUS Kamesh 7 6383 June 18, 2008 04:54 PM by Kamesh Rebuild/Reorg Utility to Add Fields to .FOC Files KentO 3 4119 June 18, 2008 02:58 PM by KentO Disabling mass quatities of Reportcaster jobs? SJL123 1 1716 June 18, 2008 02:14 PM by GinnyJakes slow running query Selena B 12 5661 June 18, 2008 01:37 PM by ctostu ReportCaster - Excel <dksib> 9 4173 June 18, 2008 01:06 PM by <dksib> Cascading Prompts RobinM 3 2601 June 18, 2008 11:45 AM by Llance "WHERE" vs "IF" Tom Neumann 16 5851 June 18, 2008 10:47 AM by dcj Restricting the data in Hold file basava 8 2935 June 18, 2008 09:33 AM by PBrightwell setting up an analytical user vegaskitkat 1 1537 June 18, 2008 08:11 AM by FortuneCookie How to create reports output in gif format ABCRISHOK 2 1711 June 18, 2008 06:48 AM by Danny-SRL Count of rows as a column in the hold file Francis Mariani 18 7347 June 18, 2008 03:28 AM by Danny-SRL Two ACROSS statements - silly question Francis Mariani 6 2922 June 18, 2008 03:13 AM by Chartran SUM and Field using WHERE clause BobV 5 2291 June 17, 2008 06:03 PM by Darin Lee How to turn off Column level security in JDE from WF 765? Sayed 3 2165 June 17, 2008 02:39 PM by Sayed Rank still appearing on Y-Axis even after using NOPRINT tag <bp_intersect> 1 1612 June 17, 2008 12:56 PM by GinnyJakes Advanced Graph Assistant Color Template LDW 2 2183 June 17, 2008 11:36 AM by VLozovsky reading column-total as a field serenekk 4 3343 June 17, 2008 10:42 AM by Darin Lee viirtual fields arvind 13 4585 June 17, 2008 09:39 AM by Danny-SRL SQL Script causing DBA file error. Jinx 17 5656 June 17, 2008 09:28 AM by Jinx ACROSS and COLUMNS CherylB 3 1797 June 17, 2008 09:23 AM by TexasStingray Unable to Join two hold files. basava 6 3201 June 17, 2008 09:06 AM by GinnyJakes Same column width for entire report having 500 columns Srinivas429 1 1706 June 17, 2008 06:17 AM by Tony A Pdf Compound Report Srinivas429 4 2226 June 17, 2008 05:52 AM by Srinivas429 Drill down to previous hold file Bethany 9 3108 June 17, 2008 02:48 AM by Tony A What is the point of Excel Templates? Jason K. 6 3745 June 17, 2008 02:45 AM by nubi Vertical spacing JohnB 2 2306 June 16, 2008 11:26 PM by Waz EXCEL format in webfocus 5.3 ehudba 6 5773 June 16, 2008 06:16 PM by ehudba Dev Studio 7.6.6 Laurie 6 2515 June 16, 2008 04:30 PM by Francis Mariani adjust row height JZMSH 2 5507 June 16, 2008 03:07 PM by JZMSH [SOLVED] INVALID KEY DESCRIPTION IN MASTER FILE webmeister 9 7859 June 16, 2008 02:44 PM by webmeister